Picture this: it’s summertime, and you’re the only one in your family who doesn’t work. Your sister, a single mom, needs help with childcare and asks you to pick up her kids from summer camp every day. You agree, but then disaster strikes – your car breaks down, and it’s not worth fixing. You realize you only use the car for this one task, and you’d rather bike everywhere else. So, you decide not to buy a new car and tell your sister you can’t pick up her kids anymore. She’s furious, and now you’re left wondering if you’re in the wrong. Let’s dive into this family drama!
Summertime Struggles
Family Guilt
Car Troubles
Biking Enthusiast ♂️
No More Carpool
Sibling Dispute
Edit: Car Situation
Independent Living
Carless and Carefree?
Our protagonist finds themselves in a pickle when their car breaks down, leaving them unable to pick up their sister’s kids from summer camp. They’ve been helping their single mom sister with childcare, but now they’re questioning if they should buy a new car just for this purpose. They prefer biking and don’t want to spend money on a car they’ll barely use. The sister is mad, as she can’t afford the late pick-up fees and doesn’t know anyone else who can help. Is it reasonable to expect our bike-loving friend to buy a car just for this? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
“No car, no childcare” drama
Not the a**hole for setting boundaries with entitled sister
Doing a favor doesn’t mean you owe them money. NTA
Offering a rental car suggestion, but sympathizing with financial struggles
Boundaries are important, even with family
Sister refuses to buy new car for childcare duties, draws line
Financial concerns arise over sister’s request, potential childcare conflicts ⚠️
No a****e here, but who will take the child to daycare?
NTA defends against entitled sister who won’t compensate for gas.
Not her kids, not her responsibility. NTA
NTA commenter calls out family’s entitled behavior around childcare.
Suggests solutions for sister’s childcare problem, not responsible.
Unexpected car breakdown leads to family feud over childcare duties.
Assertive commenter suggests sister should buy or rent a car
Single parent defends sister’s decision, calls out entitlement. NTA
No car, not your problem ♀️
Sassy comment suggests sister work harder for her kids
Mom needs to step up for daughter during difficult time
Single mom refuses to buy car for childcare, family feud erupts
Can’t afford new car, NTA for asking family for help
Family feud over sister’s refusal to buy new car. NTA suggests using mom’s car.
Setting boundaries with family. NTA for refusing work for free
Set boundaries and don’t let others impose their needs on you.
Sibling’s entitled demand for new car sparks justified anger.
NTA. Your sister’s entitlement is not your problem
Opinionated comment argues against sister buying a car for childcare duties.
NTA for not buying a car to continue doing sister a favor , but can the kids bike home instead?
Suggests alternative solutions to sister’s childcare problem.
A blunt comment on entitled parenting and family feuds
Take that, mom and sis! You’re not the boss of me
No car? No problem! NTA stands firm on sister’s demands.
Don’t be a doormat for family. Mom should step up
Sister won’t buy car, but expects free childcare transportation
Mom’s car broke down, but NTA sister won’t buy her one
Coordinating with other parents is a practical solution
Sibling demands free labor and new car? Entitlement much? NTA
No car, no childcare. OP is NTA for setting boundaries
Family refuses to help with childcare, commenter suggests solution.
You helped, but it’s not your responsibility – NTA
User questions sister’s inability to cover childcare costs
Don’t let entitled family guilt you into debt
Stand your ground , prioritize self-care ♀️, and set boundaries
Parenting responsibilities should not be shifted to siblings. NTA
Sibling refuses to buy car, commenter says NTA with attitude
Suggests getting a lawyer to resolve childcare issue.
Helpful suggestion for resolving family feud over car duties
Sister wants her to be a chauffeur? Let her buy a car! NTA
Mom’s guilt trip? Mom’s car to pick up kids!
Sister won’t buy car, but should she also fix it?
Late fees can strain relationships. NTA for setting boundaries.
Sibling boundary issues over childcare responsibilities. NTA wins.
NTA suggests reasonable solution, shuts down mom’s argument
Being reasonable and setting boundaries in family, NTA
User suggests a solution and declares NTA.
Fair point. Why should OP pay for sister’s childcare needs?
Live your life, spend your money on what matters to you
Responsibility for kids’ transportation lies with the parents. NTA.
Sister can’t expect childcare without providing transportation. NTA
Sister expects too much, NTA suggests finding a new job
Curious for an update! NTA for seeking resolution
Last Updated on March 4, 2024 by Diply Social Team