Imagine being a busy medical student with limited free time, and your sister constantly expects you to babysit her three young children. To make matters worse, she drops them off with little to no notice! That’s exactly what happened to our protagonist, who found herself in a sticky situation when her sister dropped off the kids to attend a child-free wedding. Let’s dive into this drama-filled story!
Busy Med Student vs Sister’s Demands ⚕️
Random Drop-offs
Child-Free Wedding Dilemma
Phone Argument
Taking Matters into Her Own Hands
Crashing the Child-Free Wedding
Sister’s Shocked Reaction ️
Ignoring Sister’s Calls
Sister’s Accusations
Brother-in-Law’s Disappointment
More Accusations from Brother-in-Law ️
Second Thoughts
Was She Right or Wrong? ♀️
So, our med student protagonist found herself in a whirlwind of drama after her sister dropped off the kids at her doorstep to attend a child-free wedding. Unable to handle the situation, she decided to crash the wedding by bringing the kids right where their parents were! The sister and her husband were furious, accusing her of being selfish and petty. Now, our protagonist is left wondering if she should’ve just sucked it up and babysat the kids for a few hours. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
NTA! Sister dumped kids assuming you had nothing else to do
Med student not the a****e for returning sister’s kids.
Med student stands up for themselves against disrespectful sister and family
Setting boundaries with sister’s kids. NTA.
Sister dumps kids on med student for wedding. NTA stands up.
NTA stands up for herself against entitled family members
NTA, but communicate with BIL to clear up misunderstanding
Setting boundaries with family can be tough
User doesn’t believe story, but supports OP’s decision.
Avoid babysitting by leaving before they arrive
Relatable rant about entitled relatives and childcare
NTA suggests leaving sister’s kids at police station, savage
Entitled sister dumps kids, scolds med student for enforcing boundaries. NTA
No babysitter? No problem. Block them and enjoy your child-free wedding! #NTA
Setting boundaries with entitled family members.
Set boundaries with sister and prioritize your own well-being
NTA stands up for child-free wedding and responsible parenting
Med student not the a**hole for refusing sister’s kids ♀️
NTA. Sister dumps kids on med student for child-free wedding
NTA stands up for themselves against entitled sister
Don’t let your sister’s poor planning ruin your day! #NTA
Blame the couple for a surprise wedding with no kids rule
Med student not at fault for sister’s irresponsible parenting
NTA suggests using a ring camera to avoid being taken advantage.
Wedding invite does not equal free babysitting. NTA
Setting boundaries with entitled sister who dumped kids on OP.
Redditor calls out bad parenting in child-dumping incidents
Not the a**hole for not babysitting at sister’s wedding
NTA. Sister and husband being selfish by expecting med student to babysit
Med student stands up for child-free wedding, sister dumps kids. NTA.
NTA! Babysitting is not a wedding gift
NTA comment suggests harsh consequences for entitled sister’s actions.
NTA stands up to entitled sister’s child dumping request
Setting boundaries is important. NTA for saying no
Sister dumps kids on med student for wedding NTA
NTA shuts down entitled parents demanding free babysitting services
Respect your time and stand up for yourself, NTA
Dumping kids on med student without notice? NTA wins
Protect yourself with a camera doorbell and set boundaries
Parents dump kids without permission, drive away. NTA response.
Abandoning kids for a wedding? NTA says call the police!
Set boundaries and call the cops if it happens again
Setting boundaries and blocking family for wedding childcare refusal.
Boundaries are important. You’re not obligated to babysit for free.
Sister disrespected med student by dumping kids, NTA for reacting.
Setting boundaries with entitled sister. NTA
Last-minute kid dump at wedding? NTA says commenters
Set boundaries with family for child-free events. NTA
NTA returns the energy to entitled sister with golden rule reminder
NTA. You’re not free childcare, they’re lucky you helped.
Med student not the a**hole for sister’s irresponsible behavior
Don’t let anyone guilt you into babysitting. NTA
Sister’s wedding request backfires on her. NTA wins.
Sister dumps kids on med student for child-free wedding. NTA.
Politely declining future babysitting to avoid misunderstandings.
Setting boundaries with disrespectful friends who dump kids on you
Med student threatens to call police on sister for child abandonment.
Sister takes advantage of med student, calls them AH. #NoMoreBabysitting
Sister ignores ‘no’ to babysitting, gets what she deserves
Setting boundaries with family can be tough, but necessary.
NTA stands up to entitled sister with a savage ultimatum
NTA for not babysitting at sister’s wedding.
Don’t question it. Call the police next time. NTA
Parent agrees that sister is TA for dumping kids on OP
Sister dumps kids on med student for wedding, commenter says NTA
Don’t force people to babysit for your convenience. #NTA
Setting boundaries with family
Sister prioritizes appearance over responsibilities, NTA for saying no
Setting boundaries with family.
Don’t be a child-dumper! NTA for calling out sister.
Setting boundaries with family can be tough, but NTA
“I told you no.” – Setting boundaries like a boss
Nailed it! Shut down the entitled brother-in-law.
Parenting responsibilities should not be dumped on others. NTA
Set boundaries and stick to them. NTA for prioritizing studies
Don’t let them take advantage of you. NTA
Set boundaries for your own sanity and stick to them
Stand up for yourself and set boundaries with consequences ♀️
Last Updated on February 18, 2024 by Diply Social Team