Imagine planning your dream wedding, only to find out your fiancé has been lying to you about a major life decision. Our 22-year-old protagonist is facing this exact dilemma, as she considers calling off her engagement after discovering her fiancé lied about not wanting children. She’s always been upfront about her desire to remain child-free, but her fiancé had other plans. Caught in a web of lies and manipulation, she’s left questioning the future of their relationship.
Wedding Woes
No Kids, No Problem?
Vasectomy Talk
Hesitation and Hope
The Proposal
Revisiting the Child-Free Life
Meeting His Family
The Big Reveal
The Awkward Question ❓
The Lie Unfolds
One Child and Counting?
Laughing Along
Confrontation Time ⚔️
The Truth Comes Out ️
A Change of Heart?
The Manipulation Plan
Telling the Family
Hotel Hideaway
Honesty and Betrayal
Considering the End
Update: More Context
Addressing Accusations
Why Not Cancel Immediately? ♀️
Telling the Truth ️
Soulmates and Shared Interests
Surgery Struggles
The Vasectomy Question ❓
Respecting Decisions
Standing by Decisions
Controversial Points
Unchanging Decision
The Final Conversation
Lies, Betrayal, and the Child-Free Life
Our protagonist is considering ending her engagement after her fiancé lied about not wanting children. She’s always been honest about her desire to remain child-free, but her fiancé hoped to change her mind after marriage. The truth came out during a family dinner, and tensions escalated, leading to insults and a dramatic exit. Now, she’s questioning the future of their relationship as she prepares for a final conversation with her fiancé. Let’s see what people think about this heart-wrenching situation…
Don’t marry a lying partner. You deserve honesty and respect.
Manipulative fiancé lying about having kids, cancel engagement. NTA
Partner lied about children, NTA. Dump him and start over.
Cancel the wedding! Compromising on kids is a huge mistake.
Flee from the lying, abusive partner before it’s too late!
Break it off! He lied and was abusive. #SelfWorthMatters
Fiancé lied about having children. Cancel the wedding. #NTA
Walk away from a two-faced and insulting fiancé
Dump the dead weight – NTA comment gets straight to the point
Fiancé lied about having children. Time to let him go
NTA for knowing what you want and not settling
Brutal honesty, but sometimes that’s what we need.
Fiancé lied about wanting kids, break up or regret later.
Leave the liar and manipulator. You deserve better.
Incompatible goals. Sad but walking away is the best option.
Don’t marry a liar who disrespects your boundaries! #NTA
Leave that lying man and never accept that kind of behavior!
Fiancé lied about children, NTA for ending incompatible relationship.
Insults about having children? Return the ring and leave.
Don’t marry him! You deserve better
A cautionary tale of a deceitful fiancé and his regretful ex.
End it now, he won’t change. Kudos for spotting lies. #NTA
Be cautious of your birth control! NTAH
Breaking up is hard, but compromising on kids is worse.
Fiancé lied about having children, NTA for cancelling wedding.
Fiancé lied about having children; NTA runs from baby-trapping j**k.
Break up, cancel wedding, travel, and get sterilized. Lifelong investment.
Fiancé lied about kids and got mad when she refused NTA
Red flag alert! NTA, reconsider the engagement.
Break up, children are fundamental. You would not be happy.
Volcano alert! NTA, get out now.
Flee as fast as possible from this abusive person.
Break the engagement and prioritize your own happiness and desires.
Break up now. He wants kids and he will sabotage your birth control, refuse to use condoms once you’re married or just flat out force you. NTA
Red flag alert! Cancel the wedding and run away!
Honesty and upfront communication is key in any relationship.
Don’t marry him! He lied, doesn’t respect you, and more.
NTA! Escape the abusive breeder. Protect your potential offspring.
Believe someone when they reveal themselves. Don’t fall for excuses.
Angry commenter advises ending relationship with lying fiancé.
Dump the lying, manipulative fiancé. Believe his true colors!
Partner’s disregard for her decision may warrant reconsidering marriage
Cut your losses and end it now.
Fiancé lied about children, insulted when confronted. NTA.
Dump him. He’s not worthy of you. You deserve better.
Cancel the wedding or face verbal abuse and misery
End it! He lied about kids and insulted you. Believe him.
Fiancé lied about having kids, lucky she found out early
Mismatched values about kids: cancel the wedding!
Choosing between having kids or not can lead to misery. YTA.
Dump him! He lied about kids. You are NTA
Lying about kids? NTA has every right to leave
Run from the liar! He wants an obedient wife and mother. #NTA
Fiancé lied about having children, insulted her, NTA. Cancel wedding.
Finding someone else to have kids with? Savage but justified.
Dump him! Don’t postpone, just cancel. He’ll cheat and expect you to deal with it.
Fiancé lied about having children, breakup may be a blessing
Fiancé’s deceitful plan exposed. Run far and fast!
NTA, incompatible partners, he’s an a** for wasting time.
Dump the lying manipulator. Good riddance!
Break up with him. He lied and may mess with birth control.
Marriage without sharing fundamental values is not worth it
No-nonsense advice to cut ties with insulting fiancé.
Choosing to be child-free and calling out manipulative behavior.
Lying about long term goals = instant relationship dealbreaker
Fiancé lied about having kids, NTA, dump him.
Fiancé lied about wanting kids. Relationship built on false pretenses.
NTA but irreconcilable difference. Better to cut the tie now.
Fiancé lied about having children, NTA, no future with him
Trust issues and reproductive coercion, RUN!
End it now. Wanting different things means no future.
Fiancé lied about kids, NTA for considering quick breakup.
Fiancé lied about having kids, NTA for not marrying him
Red flag! Dump him and run for the hills. NTA
Congrats on dodging a lying bullet!
Fiancé lied about having children, NTA for cancelling wedding.
Dump the liar and throw the whole man away! ♀️
Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by Diply Social Team