Nothing like some piping hot tea to finish off the week!
Seth MacFarlane called out Oprah for supporting the controversial remarks made by Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz regarding coronavirus.
It seems like lately, every unqualified person has an “expert” opinion on how to deal with COVID-19.
For example, President Donald Trump suggested that injecting people with disinfectant would be a suitable cure for coronavirus.
Dr. Phil (who isn’t a real doctor btw), thinks that social distancing is a waste of time.

“The fact of the matter is we have people dying, 45,000 people a year die from automobile accidents,” he said .
“480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 a year from swimming pools”.

“But we don’t shut the country down for that, but yet we’re doing it for this?,” he said .
While it’s true that many more people die from car accidents, cigarettes, and swimming pools every year, none of those things are contagious .
He later backpedaled his statement after realizing a pandemic isn’t something that can be compared to accidental death.
“I get that they are not contagious, so they are probably not good examples,” he said.
Dr. Oz recommende that the US reopen schools amid the pandemic.

As it would only “cost us two to three percent in terms of total mortality”.
“Any life is a life lost, but to get every child back into a school where they’re safely being educated, being fed and making the most out of their lives with a theoretical risk on the back side,” he said.

“That might be a tradeoff some folks would consider .”
Like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz also retracted his original statement after facing backlash.

“I’ve realized my comments on risks around opening schools have confused and upset people, which was never my intention. I misspoke,” he tweeted .
What else do Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz have in common besides putting their feet in their mouths? Both of their television careers started on Oprah’s talk show.
While Oprah has been properly responding to the pandemic thus far, she has been suspiciously quiet on both of the controversial remarks made by Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz.
And Seth MacFarlane pointed out that by not openly disagreeing with her former colleagues, she isn’t doing anybody any favors.

Seth believes that by simply standing by and not using her giant platform to advocate for legitimate science, she’s no better than Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz.
“Oprah has done some wonderfully altruistic things with her career,” Seth tweeted.

“But the use of her platform to amplify the voices of dubious characters rather than legitimate scientists has been a disservice.”
“I hope she will lend her own powerful voice to correct it”.

In a follow-up interview with Vice earlier this week, he reiterated his statement .
“Oprah has spent her career doing a lot of altruistic things … and has really, in many ways, used her platform for good,” he said.

“The exception to that is the elevation of these purveyors of pseudoscience.”
“People like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, all the way back to Jenny McCarthy and the anti-vax movement,” he said.
“And it’s a strange dichotomy that I think a lot of people, particularly right now, are having trouble reconciling “.
“You know, this person who has done all this positive work for the world,” went on.

“And yet somehow has gotten caught up in this web of junk science on many occasions .”
What do you think of Seth MacFarlane’s message to Oprah regarding her lack of action to oppose Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz?

Sound off in the comments below!
Last Updated on April 24, 2020 by Elizabeth Spina