After fighting overseas, many war veterans return home to poor living conditions. Unfortunately, many veterans become homeless or live paycheck to paycheck and can barely support themselves, let alone their families that they return home to.
One man in Russia is taking it into his own hands to help out war veterans and people with disabilities to improve their lives one home renovation at a time.
Anton Savchuk is the construction worker behind the home renovations.

He’s not made out of money himself, but he is motivated to better the lives of war veterans in Russia.
He spoke to Bored Panda about his project.

“When I was watching TV, I noticed how poorly some of the people who get medals or gifts from officials live,” Anton said .
“These people are living far from good and it really bothered me. I thought, ‘How is this possible that those who served their motherland could live like this?’”

He acknowledged that those with disabilities live similarly as war veterans, and wants to eventually include struggling teachers and doctors.
With the help of a couple others, the renovations for each apartment usually take about two to three weeks.

Anton has been touched to receive small donations from across the world, including Canada, the US, and Europe.
Even though the donations might be small, like work supplies or food and drink, he is incredibly humble and grateful.

“Every little bit helps and inspires me to continue. It makes me realize I’m not alone in my quest,” he said.
Anton takes before and after shots of some of the apartments he renovates and it’s clear how much of a difference he is making.

It’s amazing what some fresh paint, new furniture, less clutter, and some rearranging can do to make these people’s lives better.
This room got a serious upgrade.

These projects are not cheap, and he’s hoping more exposure will catch the eyes of potential sponsors so he can keep the project going.
“Currently, I’m not sure if I will be able to continue my project or not because it relies on my money that is quickly running out.”

If you’re interested in helping Anton, follow him on his Instagram page or you can donate via PayPal to
h/t: Bored Panda
Last Updated on July 4, 2019 by Olivia Nazarewich