Living with a roommate can be a great way to save money, but what happens when their significant other wants you out of your own place? That’s the situation I’m currently facing. My roommate’s boyfriend is jealous of her living with another man and wants me out. Despite my refusal, my roommate is now upset and won’t speak to me. Am I really an a**hole for not wanting to leave my apartment? Read on to see the full story and share your verdict.
Navigating roommate conflict with partner, seeking anonymous advice on reddit.

Life-long friendship threatened by roommate’s boyfriend

Sharing my apartment with a roommate turned out to be tough

Navigating new boundaries with roommate’s new work fling

Roommate’s boyfriend seems nice, but is he hiding something?

Roommate’s request for talk about apartment takes unexpected turn

Unexpected conversation with roommate about boyfriend’s intentions.

Roommate’s bf jealous of me living with her. Time to leave?

Roommate refuses to leave, asks for my apartment instead

Standing my ground in my own apartment

Feeling like an unwelcome guest in my own apartment

Asking Reddit’s verdict on roommate’s boyfriend’s demands

Feeling like an a**hole for wanting to keep my home

Roommate’s boyfriend causing trouble over apartment lease

Roommate’s boyfriend wants me out of my own apartment
Living with a close friend is a great idea until their significant other wants to kick you out of your own apartment. A Reddit user shares his experience with his roommate who wants to switch apartments because her boyfriend is jealous of her living with another man. The roommate’s solution is to take over the apartment while the original tenant leaves. But the tenant is not willing to give up his beloved apartment, and now he is labelled an egoistical a**hole. The situation is causing tension between the roommates, and the boyfriend has become unfriendly. The tenant is asking if he’s in the wrong, but it’s clear that he’s not. What should he do to resolve this issue? Share your opinion in the comments.
NTA, kick her out. She’s an egotistical a**hole with a jealous boyfriend.
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NTA. The entitlement of the roommate is unbelievable

Roommate’s boyfriend wants OP out for his own convenience

Asserting ownership in a difficult roommate situation

Stand your ground and give her 30 days notice.

NTA. The roommate’s boyfriend is controlling and jealous. Stand firm.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Friend’s boyfriend is controlling and dangerous, OP should keep his apartment.

Ungrateful roommate wants to kick out generous friend.

You’re NTA for not wanting to leave your own apartment

Protect your space Know your rights and keep watch

Roommate’s unreasonable behavior and possible abusive relationship.

Stand your ground and give her 30 days notice

Don’t let her absurd demands upend your life.

Stand your ground! Your roommate’s boyfriend has no say.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Don’t give up your apartment for a jealous boyfriend. ❤️

Playful banter ensues after suggesting watergun to deal with entitled roommate.
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Roommate’s boyfriend causing trouble? NTA, suggest she moves in with him ♀️

Keep your apartment, kick out the weird boyfriend.

Don’t let jealousy kick you out of your own apartment!

Protect yourself and your living arrangements.

Don’t let fragile masculinity kick you out of your apartment

Don’t let an entitled boyfriend kick you out of your apartment

Roommate’s boyfriend wants them out of their own apartment. NTA.

You go, girl! Stand your ground

Protect your sanctuary and give her notice. NTA

Red flag? Roommate’s boyfriend uncomfortable with ‘brotherly’ relationship.

Friend chooses boyfriend over 20-year friendship, NTA stands firm

Stand your ground! ♀️

Roommate’s boyfriend causing roommate to turn against OP. NTA, evict her.

Roommate’s boyfriend wants her out? NTA stands her ground

You’re not the a****e for asserting your right to stay

Will OP give an update on the controlling boyfriend situation?

Kick her to the curb! NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Roommate asks to move in but wants me to move out? NTA

Stand your ground and give her a notice
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Potential loophole for roommate’s boyfriend to kick OP out

Roommate’s boyfriend is a choosing beggar, you’re NTA!

Roommate’s BF wants them out, commenter defends NTA and empathy ❤️

Beware of entitled roommates and their toxic boyfriends

Overwhelming support for OP, eagerly awaiting updates!

Commenter receives overwhelming NTA support and requests updates

You’re not the a****e, but your entitled roommate is. Give her a formal notice to move out

Stand your ground and show her this post for clarity.

Jealous boyfriend causing roommate drama. NTA, but beware

Don’t rearrange your life for her, NTA ♀️

Stand your ground You have the right to stay.

Consider legal options, hostile living situation due to uninvited guest
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Stand your ground!

Take the mature route and address them both calmly

New boyfriend causing trouble? NTA, stand your ground.

Don’t feel guilty! NTA. Roommate is entitled

Don’t let anyone push you out of your own home! NTA

Stand your ground and protect your space

Stand your ground! ♀️ It’s your apartment, not hers.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA! Roommate’s toxic boyfriend needs to go

Stand your ground! NTA for sure.

You have the right to stay in your apartment.

Assert your dominance and kick her out!

Roommate’s boyfriend causing trouble? NTA, it’s time to talk!

Fighting for your home . Don’t let her win.

Last Updated on March 20, 2023 by Alfe Mercado