A college student’s roommate wants her dad to stay in her bedroom for graduation, but she refuses. She offers alternatives but her roommate is not satisfied. Who’s in the wrong here? Find out in this AITA post.
Roommate wants to kick me out for her dad?

Roommate wants to kick me out for her dad?

Uncomfortable request to give up room for roommate’s dad

Roommate demands room for dad, refuses alternatives.

Roommate demands my room for her dad’s stay during graduation

Protect your privacy and say no to unwanted guests

Housing equality questioned over roommate’s dad visit

Roommate’s dad needs a bed, but luggage is prioritized

When your roommate’s dad comes, you become the homeless one

Roommate conflict escalates after disagreement over room arrangement.

Roommate wants to kick me out of my own room
Living with roommates can be tough, especially when it comes to sharing space. But what do you do when your roommate asks you to vacate your own room for her visiting dad? That’s the dilemma facing this college student. She’s being asked to give up her room, which she pays for, to accommodate her roommate’s dad, who can’t afford a hotel. The situation is made more complicated by the fact that the student’s boyfriend is also staying in the room. The student has suggested alternatives, like an air mattress, but her roommate has refused them all. Now, tensions are running high and the student is wondering if she’s being unreasonable for not giving up her room. Is she in the wrong? Or is her roommate being unreasonable? Read on to find out what happened.
Roommate’s unreasonable request for room swap. Time to move out!

Why inconvenience yourself when hotels exist? NTA

Roommate’s dad wants OP’s room? NTA thinks it’s unreasonable

Finding good roommates is harder than finding a needle . NTA wins

Roommate demands room for her dad, but OP is NTA

Roommate’s entitled request: OP is not the a****e. ♀️

Commenter questions person’s capability to attend medical school

Protect your belongings!

Report your creepy roommate’s behavior to the dean and RA!

Stand your ground! ? Report any further inappropriate behavior ?

Assert your boundaries! ️ Your roommate can’t dictate your space.

Not the A****e. Roommate’s request is unreasonable.

Don’t let your roommate walk all over you

Stand your ground and protect your space! ♀️

Fair to suggest rent split, but not worth argument.

Don’t let her guilt trip you. You’re NTA

Roommate’s entitled demand to give up room for dad. NTA.

Suggests simple solution with a questioning tone.

Roommate’s unreasonable request for my room. NTA.

Stand your ground! NTA for not giving up your room.

Roommate wants OP’s room for her dad to sleep in? NTA.

Stand your ground! ♀️ Keep your room, NTA.

Defend your space! ️ You don’t owe her anything.

Stand your ground and say no to entitled roommates

Couch surfing is the way to go! ️

Roommate entitlement warning

Solve the issue with an air mattress and give dad privacy. ️

Roommate treating OP like a child?

Stand your ground! Don’t give up your room ️

Polite decline shuts down entitled roommate’s unreasonable request ♀️

Roommate’s dad wants to crash, NTA suggests grown-up hotels

Helpful tip for OP on dealing with crazy roommate

Stand your ground and seek help from the administration

Stand your ground! Your room, your rules! ♀️

Stand your ground and say no ♀️. Airbnb is her solution ♀️.

Stand your ground! ♀️ Roommate’s request is unreasonable. ♀️

Roommate wants OP’s room for her dad? Split rent unfairly.

Booking early saves money, procrastinating costs a fortune

Don’t be kicked out! Stand your ground.

Curious to know too! OP, don’t leave us hanging

Protect your space! Get RAs involved if necessary.

Roommate’s dad staying over? Nope, don’t let that happen.

Helpful advice for roommate’s mistake, don’t let her blame you

Dorm room dilemma: accommodating roommate’s dad. NTA choice options.

Roommate’s weird request makes commenter NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e5b29c1c-caec-448d-b38b-81e2c4230f96.png)
Sarcastic reply suggests an itchy situation for entitled roommate.

Roommate’s selfishness exposed in request to take my room
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/336e48c3-879e-4e35-b165-0892208d4ae4.png)
Stand your ground! ♀️ Your roommate’s problem is not yours.

Roommate’s dad needs a bed, but not yours! NTA

Senior roommate’s poor planning forces dad to crash in OP’s room.

Roommate expects hotel for her dad but not for you and bf

Dad accepting a junior’s room is creepy NTA, guard your privacy.

Prevent unwanted entry with a lock-out device.

Commenter called ‘YTA’ for not being considerate towards roommate’s dad

Roommate wants OP’s room for her dad to sleep in – commenters call her entitled and creepy.

Reported entitled roommate wanting to kick OP out. Updates awaited.

Stand your ground NTA

Roommate demands room for dad, but calling OP an AH backfires. NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/37a75808-f731-478b-8569-e5d97510ca72.png)
Roommate wants OP’s room for her dad – tensions arise.

Sleep on couch, give dad room. Weird situation. NTA

Saying no to a bizarre request with university intervention

Confused about the rent situation, but OP is NTA

Practical solution suggested, but will roommate agree?

Your room, your rules! Set boundaries and protect your privacy.

Respect your privacy, it’s your bed ♀️

Stand up for yourself and report the situation to authorities

Protect your space

Last Updated on April 13, 2023 by Alfe Mercado