Picture this: you’re a 21-year-old living with three nursing major roommates, and you’ve just been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease. Your doctor orders a 24-hour urine collection, and you realize it needs to be refrigerated between collections. You ask your roommates if you can store it in the fridge, and they all say NO! What do you do? ♀️ This is the story of one young woman who found herself in this exact predicament. Let’s dive into the drama, the conflict, and the emotional rollercoaster that unfolds…
A Rare Autoimmune Disease
Trial and Error for Treatment
The Refrigeration Revelation ❄️
Roommates Say No!
The Ice Pack Solution
Jokes and Laughter
Understanding but Frustrated
The Irrational Accusation
Defending Myself ️
Asking Friends for Opinions ️
The Nurse’s Lack of Advice
The Pee Fridge Fiasco
Our protagonist, a 21-year-old with a rare autoimmune disease, is faced with a dilemma: how to store her 24-hour urine collection in a shared fridge. Her roommates, all nursing majors, refuse to let her do so, claiming it’s unhygienic and irrational. Left with no other choice, she resorts to using a thermal lunchbox and ice packs to keep the samples cold. The situation escalates when one roommate makes jokes about it and asks friends for their opinions. Our protagonist is left questioning if her request was truly irrational. Let’s see what the internet thinks about this situation and how they weigh in on the pee fridge fiasco…
Roommate refuses to store urine in fridge despite medical need. #NTA
Solving fridge problems like a pro
Roommate keeps frozen mice in fridge, urine is no biggie
Taking sides in the fridge vs urine debate
Respectful compromise is key in shared living situations
Not the A****e for wanting to store urine in fridge
RN defends woman’s urine storage, calls roommates ‘jerks’
Nursing doesn’t justify storing urine in shared fridge
Roommate drama over urine storage in shared fridge, NTA wins
Storing urine in the fridge is gross but NTA for medical reasons
Storing urine in fridge? NTA, but maybe find a compromise
Asking to store urine in shared fridge: NAH, but their refusal is understandable
Asking to store urine in shared fridge: reasonable or unhygienic?
Roommate asks to store urine in shared fridge, commenter calls her out
Storing urine in shared fridge is not okay
Labeling jars ‘pee’ not the best idea, immature roommates.
Roommate refuses to let woman store medical urine in shared fridge
Doctor confirms urine storage harmless, Reddit supports OP.
Healthcare worker calls out childish behavior around urine storage
Storing urine in the fridge for medical reasons: NTA vs childish roommates
Asking to store urine was okay, ridicule went too far
Nursing majors react poorly to roommate’s reasonable request
Nursing major doesn’t want pee next to food
It’s okay to say no to storing pee in the fridge. NTA
Respectful roommate asks to store urine in fridge, NTA.
Doctor’s office at fault for roommate urine storage drama
Roommate shaming woman for needing to store urine? NTA
Woman clarifies urine storage situation, opts for cheaper solution
Hiding pee in the fridge? The ethics of roommates.
Roommate mocks medical condition for awkward but harmless request. NTA.
Roommate refuses to store urine in shared fridge
Roommates refuse to store urine in fridge, mock NTA’s medical issue
Respectful NTA asks to store urine in fridge, others mock her
Respecting boundaries and still being called an AH? NTA ♀️
Roommate’s request to store urine in shared fridge deemed inappropriate
Hospital fridge etiquette explained ⚕️
NTA. Commenter provides helpful insight and suggestions for compromise.
Roommate wants to store urine in fridge. Roommates call her out.
Empathetic commenter suggests a solution for storing urine discreetly
Fair enough for OP to ask, flatmates not AH either ♀️
Avoid roommate drama: get a mini fridge for your room
Nursing majors who can’t handle urine? Time to rethink careers.
Asking to store urine in shared fridge but NTA, can’t force it.
Get a mini fridge, YTA.
User declares NTA and criticizes roommates’ behavior.
Urine in the fridge? Cooler or mini-fridge is better.
Embracing the ick: Why germaphobia is on the rise
Supportive comment: Roommates are selfish children for denying medical needs
Roommate asks to store urine in shared fridge , nursing students refuse
Roommate refuses to store urine in fridge, finds alternative solution
Respect medical privacy: NTA’s roommate spreading personal info
College roommate compromise: frozen rats for pet snake
Sealed urine container in fridge not a big deal.
Nurse defends storing urine in shared fridge, calls out roommate’s ignorance
Nursing majors should know better but sadly not surprised
Roommate’s strange request leads to breach of privacy ♀️
Mini fridge: the solution to all your urine storage needs!
Storing urine in the fridge? Nursing majors?
Sharing a refrigerator with roommates, but what about urine?
Urine in shared fridge debate sparks hygienic meat comparison
Label it, bag it, stash it: Urine storage etiquette tips ✅
Roommate refuses to store medical urine in fridge, mocks condition
Roommate shames woman for asking to store urine in fridge
Offering support and expertise in autoimmune disease treatment
Creative solution or gross request? Roommate dispute over fridge storage.
Respectful request for medical condition accommodation supported by commenter.
Sealed urine container in shared fridge is NTA territory
Roommate wants to store urine in shared fridge. Commenter says NTA.
Head chef weighs in on urine storage, declares NAH.
NTA and the roommates are acting like a**holes for shaming her ♀️
Roommate refuses to store sick person’s urine in shared fridge.
User empathizes with medical condition, suggests cooler instead of fridge
Nurse suggests ice method for urine sample instead of fridge
Practical advice, but no tolerance for urine in shared fridge
User asks for fridge space for urine test, faces ridicule. NTA.
Medical needs vs food safety: fridge conflict
Alternative urine storage solution shared by commenter
Solutions for fridge-sharing woes
Keeping urine in shared fridge? Unsanitary. NTA suggests mini fridge.
Get a mini fridge for your medical needs. #NotTheAsshole
Sensible suggestion for storing urine in shared living spaces
Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by Diply Social Team