Oh yes, you all remember Randy from My Name is Earl , don’t you? The N**i from American History X ? The really big O lineman from Remember The Titans that sang “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”? The bully on Boy Meets World ?
Well, he’s made a little bit of a transformation…
And we’re going to see it now.
There have been a lot of cool body transformations these days, haven’t there?
Well, by a lot, I mostly mean Adele .
Not only has the singer lost a ton of weight, but she also got a massive back tattoo that she showed off on the beach.
It’s always so jarring to us fans when a celeb loses or gains a bunch of weight.
We’re so used to seeing them at a certain size and when they change, it’s weird to us.
Regardless, whether they lose or gain weight, we’re always happy to see our favorite celebs happy.
Or, at least most of us our ( cough looking at you Twitter haters cough ).
There was one more big body transformation in 2019…

And/or 2020, whether you count the year that he did his transformation or the year that it was discovered.
Either way you look at it, the transformation was pretty out of nowhere.
Remember Ethan Suplee?

He’s been in so many great things. Some of us remember him from American History X , some of us remember him from My Name Is Earl , and others from Boy Meets World .
But he was actually in an incredibly famous film as well!
During most of these movies and appearances on shows, Suplee was overweight.

Sometimes that fact was actually used for a joke, or just became the only thing worth talking about for the character.
So it wasn’t always good writing.
But now, Suplee made a huge change to his life.
He went through a huge transformation in order to feel better about himself and retain a healthy lifestyle.

Yes, this is him now. He leads a very different lifestyle to the one of his past and looks super happy about himself.
The internet is going totally insane over this revelation.
Here he is reacting to the post:
For clarity, TIL means “today I learned.”
The post shows 4 different pictures of Suplee, both ripped and not ripped, to compare the past and present.
And here he is, only a little bit ago, showing off a little more.
And can you blame the guy? It’s no wonder he’s trying to lead others that used to be like him in the right direction.
He’s a testament to what hard work can achieve.
A lot of fans reacted to the photos.
Thankfully, there was a lot of positivity surrounding the photos.
It’s cool to see Twitter being supportive of someone for once, instead of collectively trying to tear a person down. And yes, Twitter user, it does rule.
There are people who are motivated by him.
And it was bold of you to say that it should be easy because Ethan Suplee could do it.
Losing all that weight was probably no easy task, as many of us who have tried and failed can tell you…
Some people are even admitting their attraction to this new Ethan Suplee.
Hey, Twitter user, if you didn’t love him at his worst, then you don’t deserve him at his best!
(Although yes, he is good looking).
Some don’t even care about his newfound weight, they just want to know who Earl Jrs. dad is.
And now that I’ve written all this stuff about Ethan, all these stories about his amazing transformation…
I kind of want to know, too.
If you want to hear more from Ethan Suplee…

Then you can check out his podcast, “American Glutton.”
It was where he revealed his crazy weight loss, and he’s probably going to talk about a whole bunch of other stuff.
I know I’ll be tuning in!
With this transformation in the books…

Who will be the next person to shock the world? Will the 2020s see a ripped Danny Devito? Will Megan Trainor decide she is no longer about that bass?
The possibilities are endless!
Last Updated on January 10, 2020 by Jake Bean