Between 2 and 3pm, I am absolutely ravenous. It doesn’t even matter that I just finished a full-fledged lunch an hour before. My stomach is just sitting there while I type away, probably not enjoying that I’m ignoring it and just like a pestering child when you’re busy, it’s all like “Hellloooooooo. Notice me!”
And so I do, and I skip my way to the snack drawer to see what’s there, but nothing really tickles my fancy. That’s because my body wants a starchy, high calorie treat like a cake-like muffin. Mmmmmm.
These Reese’s Filled Muffins are sure to do the trick for a little afternoon snack sesh!

Chocolate and peanut butter is just such a satisfying combo to begin with. The flavors belong together.
That’s really what Mariah Carey was singing about in her song, right? Chocolate and peanut butter?
The muffins are filled with a creamy Reese’s peanut butter filling.

We love a filled muffin! That way every bite has a nice layer of flavor with it.
The Hershey’s chocolate muffins are then topped with peanut butter icing and pieces of Reese’s.

Let’s be real — these are cupcakes, not muffins. But I think using the term “muffin” makes it a little more socially acceptable to eat for breakfast.
But, tbh, nothing would ever stop be from eating a cupcake for breakfast, FYI.
A lot of these photos are from 2017 and 2018, so there is no telling whether or not they are currently in grocery stores across the country.

You can find them on Instacart , however!
And if you have spotted them, let us know!
Last Updated on January 16, 2020 by Olivia Nazarewich