A warning has been issued to visitors of Disneyland California that those who visited last week may have been exposed to measles, prompting panic among guests.
One Los Angeles resident reportedly visited the park while infectious.

Apparently, Disneyland visitors who were at the popular park last week between 9:15 a.m. and 8:35 p.m. on October 16th could be at risk of developing measles. This risk could last up to three weeks after exposure.
The infectious person also visited a popular nearby coffee house.

The risk of infection is not only limited to those who were in the park. The infectious person also visited a Starbucks on South Sepulveda Boulevard in Los Angeles during the times of 7:50 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. that same morning, according to the Los Angeles Times .
County health officials have released a warning to anyone in those areas during those times.
The Department of Health has issued a series of instructions for those at risk.

There were three main instructions:
Firstly, those who have been exposed should review their immunization and medical records to ensure that they are protected, and potentially look to get a vaccine if you already do not have one.
Secondly, if you aren’t immunized, are pregnant, or have a compromised immune system, then you should contact your health care provider, according to an official press release .
They also ask that people take care to monitor any symptoms.

If anyone is to develop a rash between 7-21 days after exposure, then the Department of Health has asked that these people report their symptoms to local healthcare providers while remaining inside.
Disneyland has not yet released a statement on the incident.
Los Angeles County has experienced multiple measles cases this year.

According to the Department of Health’s press release, “there have been 19 measles cases among Los Angeles County residents in 2019, in addition to 11 non- resident measles cases that traveled through Los Angeles County […] The majority of cases to date were unimmunized or did not know whether they had ever been immunized.”
Measles is an incredibly dangerous and contagious disease.

Los Angeles County Health Officer, Muntu Davis, explained:
“For those who are not protected, measles is a highly contagious and potentially severe disease that initially causes fever, cough, red, watery eyes, and, finally, a rash.
“Measles is spread by air and by direct contact even before you know have it. The MMR immunization is a very effective measure to protect yourself and to prevent the unintentional spread of this potentially serious infection to others.”
This is not the first time a measles outbreak has occurred at Disneyland.

Only back in 2015, there was another outbreak of measles at Disneyland California. The outbreak at Disneyland was linked to 145 cases of measles across seven states and three countries following a peer-reviewed study.
The authors of the study claimed, “This preliminary analysis indicates that substandard vaccination compliance is likely to blame for the 2015 measles outbreak,” according to The Guardian .
People who are against vaccines obviously had something to say about this.

Yes, not content with spending their days looking for aliens in their excrement, or waving hello to the moon so it will bestow upon them curative powers, the anti-vaxxers had something to say about this in regards to this being pro-vaccine propaganda or some such nonsense. With one person actually un-ironically tweeting, “this is all a big bullsh*t money-making exercise for drug companies!!!”
By not getting vaccines against illnesses such as measles, the anti-vaxxers are not only putting themselves at risk but everyone around them.
There isn’t enough time in the world for me to convey my contempt for the hurricane of dangerous stupidity that is the anti-vax movement so let’s just try and move on.
If you think that you have been exposed, contact your healthcare provider.

In children and infants, in particular, measles can ultimately cause more serious health complications and can lead to death.
Hopefully, soon enough everyone who doesn’t vaccinate their children against these illnesses will have a mass awakening to common sense. However, I sadly doubt that this will happen.
h/t: Los Angeles Times
Last Updated on October 25, 2019 by Paddy Clarke