We’re entering week four of social distancing measures in North America, which is pretty surreal to think about. What may have originally seemed like a time where many cookies would be baked, many floors would be scrubbed, and many basement crawlspaces would finally be organized might have turned into just a big ball of chaos.
I’m no professional astrologist, although many millennials might like to believe that’s so, but I can guarantee all of our horoscopes for the next few months will be saying this.
This is the one time your horoscope is actually 150% true!
Who knew being in your home could be similar to a wild night in Vegas?
The similarities are uncanny.
This is where we are now.
They left out the part of wiping a Lysol wipe with a Lysol wipe.
Have you discovered a newfound love for walks yet?
Who knew in 2020 people would actually be walking outside!
Last Updated on April 6, 2020 by Olivia Nazarewich