As ABBA once so eloquently said, ” Money money money, must be funny, in a rich man’s world .”
The hard truth of the matter is, most of us won’t ever become the kind of wealthy person who loses track of just how much money they actually have, and who gets to a point where they barely blink after dropping some serious cash on something they probably don’t even need.
Hey, we can’t all be a Kardashian, right?
Nope, sadly we’ll all likely lead the kind of lives that our wallets allow for.
When I was young (and, of course, ridiculously naive), I fully believed that being an adult meant suddenly having an endless supply of money. After all, people buy cars and houses right? How can you buy either of those things if you don’t have any money?
Well, young me, the simple truth is… you really can’t. And the sooner you realize that, the better.
As it turns out, a huge part about being an adult is dealing with the fact that you’ll probably never, ever have “enough” money.
You can work hard, you can save your paychecks, but there’s almost always something you gotta pay for, and debt is almost certainly going to be a big part of your life.
Whether you’re shelling out for rent, necessary bills, car payments, buying groceries, or still trying to repay those student loans, there’s always going to be money coming out of your poor wallet.
And all you can really do is just try to budget for those expenses.
I used to be really bad at budgeting, but becoming an adult and finding myself on my own and suddenly responsible for my own finances has really taught me how to save properly.
After all, at this point it’s pretty much a necessity if I want to keep this really nice, super helpful roof over my head.
But if you ever get to the point where you really feel like you’re failing as an adult, just go to the Dollar Store.
Trust me, you’re going to walk through that place feeling like an absolute baller just because you have a twenty dollar bill in your wallet. Suddenly you’re the kind of person who can fill a shopping basket without thinking twice about it, and going to the register isn’t the painful experience it is everywhere else.
See? There’s that bright side. We finally found it.
Last Updated on June 26, 2020 by Caitlyn Clancey