So here’s a super quick, super fun origin story about my not-so-positive relationship with my own weight.
When I was in high school, our gym teacher made us each step on the scale to weigh us at the start of the semester, and then proceeded to announce our weight to the rest of the class so everyone else could hear the number because that was definitely crucial to their fitness curriculum.
Suffice it to say, I’ve never really been the same since.
I’m not saying I hate my body or anything, but I’m sure we can all agree some things are better left unsaid.

Like, yes, I could definitely eat some more green foods that aren’t just green M&Ms. And yes , I could maybe put on a pair of running shoes sometimes and, you know, actually use them.
But my weight and whether it goes up, down, or stays the same is my business.

That being said, I have mad respect for people who go on social media and willingly share the number with everyone.
Usually it’s people who are on a weight loss journey and who are publicly documenting their progress. But I’ve also seen some people who are genuinely at ease with whatever the scale reads, even if that number might be what someone else considers unacceptable, and who have no issue sharing it to really emphasize the “love all bodies” mantra.
And to those people I say, “Please share some of your confidence with the rest of us.”

Seriously, that would have really come in handy when I was sixteen and my gym teacher shouted my number across the room so my crush who just so happened to be playing basketball nearby was privy enough to hear it himself.
I could have laughed it off, pretended I didn’t care, or done absolutely anything else than what I really did. Which, by the way, was go red in the face and accept that this is most definitely the worst moment of my entire existence.
But unfortunately I don’t have that kind of confidence, and I’m not sure I ever will.
So for anyone who is close to me and may ever be tasked with writing up my missing poster, should I happen to go missing, please kindly skip the “weight” section.
Or, if you must, put me down as a number that is perfectly normal for my height and age. Please and thank you. Otherwise I guess me and my kidnapper will be hanging out for way longer than I’m sure they ever intended.
Last Updated on August 7, 2020 by Caitlyn Clancey