Okay, stay with me here but sometimes I feel like life is just like when someone gives you a super rare, and super expensive tropical fish for a present when you didn’t even ask for it.
Now you own that fish, and it’s your responsibility to make sure it has a good life and gets fed even though its food isn’t cheap and you’re not even super sure what it actually eats. But you can’t just give the fish back so now you have to pour all your money into something you didn’t even want in the first place.
Plus the fish doesn’t even do anything worthwhile that would make you feel like it’s not actually such a bad pet.
Am I on the right track here or did you all bail pretty early on this analogy?

Look, all I’m really trying to say here is life can be pretty hard sometimes. I’m sure that’s not news to anyone. And while we can say ” it be like that ” all we want, we gotta wonder sometimes, why do it be like that?
I don’t know when it happened, but one day life just sort of started kicking me in the shins and has just never stopped.

It was like things were going really well until all of a sudden they weren’t anymore.
If I had to guess, I’d say it was the day I had to start making decisions for myself because woweee , no one should have ever handed me that responsibility.
In the beginning, I was pretty optimistic about the whole thing.

During my undergrad, I had myself convinced that it wouldn’t be long until I was a fully-functioning adult who had my life together, and soon I’d be looking back on the floundering mess I once was with admiration for her determination, if not a little pity, too.
But here we are, years out of school, and everything still s***s.

Maybe that’s just the thing, though. Maybe it never really gets better.
Maybe we all just sort of have to deal with the fact that throw pillows cost way more than we were ever expecting them to, and sometimes you have to do a payment plan just to afford a new mattress. Life is stupid expensive — get over it.
And if that doesn’t work, go online and complain about it because I’m sure there are thousands, if not millions, of people who totally agree with you.
Last Updated on June 25, 2020 by Caitlyn Clancey