One college professor has been widely praised for her inspirational work in helping one struggling student when they couldn’t find a baby sitter.
The professor in question is Dr. Ramata Sissoko Cisse.

Dr. Cissé is 51 and works as Assistant Professor of Biology for Anatomy and Physiology at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, Ga.
The photo of Dr. Cissé’s wonderful act of kindness was taken during an 8 am lecture.
When one of her students couldn’t find a sitter, Dr. Cissé offered to help her out.

Apparently, the student had contacted Dr. Cissé the night before expressing her worry that she had been unable to find a sitter, and her concern that she would fall behind if she missed another class.
Dr. Cissé told Yahoo Lifestyle , “She asked if she could bring the baby with her to class because she had missed a class already and did not want to be behind”.
Dr. Cissé told the student to bring the baby and that they would “figure it out”.

Dr. Cissé is also a mother, and said that she did not want the student to miss out. So, she used an old technique to help hold the baby during class, as the mother was struggling to make notes while holding the child:
“I know the student is very smart and ambitious. She really wanted to learn.
“In my native Mali, we used sheets and other pieces of fabric to securely carry babies on our backs. My natural instinct was to find a way to secure the baby and I was standing next to a rack with a clean lab coat.”
The young baby apparently slept through the first two hours of the lecture without a peep.

When the baby woke up, Dr. Cissé sat him on the front row and fed the baby:
“Towards the end, he woke up and I took him off my back, sat in the first row and fed him with a bottle. He did not cry once,” Professor Cissé added.
The inspirational professor’s daughter, Anna, shared the photo on Twitter later that day.
Anna proudly called her mother a “role model” for her work in helping the student.
Being a parent is difficult enough on its own without studying at college at the same time, and so it’s wonderful to see Dr. Cissé helping out in any way that she can.
The photo has since been shared thousands of times and received over 50,000 likes!
People have been praising the professor for her dedication to ensuring that her students get not only the best possible standard of teaching, but for also making sure that they are supported when they are struggling personally.
Dr. Cissé has been heralded as an inspiration, and her previous students were quick to commend her teaching.
There have even been calls for the college to give Dr. Cissé a raise and even give her tenure! Dr. Cissé, however, explained that she just sees it as part of being a good teacher:
“My decision to help out this student was driven by the school culture with a student’s success being foremost. We do all we can for the student to be successful […] as a mother, I know how hard it could be.”
As the post went viral, Anna also revealed that her mother also runs a non-profit for Mali school kids.
Yes, in case you already weren’t impressed with Dr. Cissé’s qualifications, work ethic, and generally fantastical attitude, she also runs a charity. I’m starting to feel pretty useless in society if I’m honest!
However, this is not the first time that a teacher has hit headlines for holding a student’s baby.
Back in October 2018, one Dr. Stefanski of Columbia College encouraged a student to bring their baby into class and then helped out by holding the baby for the duration of the lesson.
Teachers and professors play a crucial role in society, and it is refreshing to see them getting the recognition they deserve.
People who work in the education system hold the future in their hands — in these cases somewhat literally. Teachers who take this responsibility above and beyond need not only the occasional moment of recognition, however, they need to be constantly acknowledged as the vanguards of the next generation.
h/t: Yahoo
Last Updated on October 1, 2019 by Paddy Clarke