Parents with children are frequently driving them from place to place. While there are dozens of safety measures taken to ensure our children are safe while in the car , there are times in which parents can be overwhelmed and swamped — so much so that they rush out of the car without their infant.
While it may seem insane to some parents that someone could forget a child in the car, it happens more often than many adults think.

According to a new report, 15 children have died in hot cars in 2019 so far, and it’s only the start of the summer season.
More often than not, new parents are running on less sleep than normal.

They are constantly looking for ways to cut their time in half and move along quicker. Sometimes, that means they become forgetful.
This heartbreaking situation happens more often than you’d think.

For those who think that people don’t leave their children in the car, it turns out that an average of 37 children per year will die of heatstroke after being left in a hot car.
There have even been studies done on why this happens every summer.

Dr. David Diamond is a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida who has been studying child heatstroke deaths. He said all parents are capable of leaving their child in a hot car during an interview with NBC News .
Dr. Diamond says it’s common that when parents go through a routine enough times, they go on autopilot.

For example, when we take our kids with us on our morning commute, we could possibly still very much be on that “autopilot” and forget our kids entirely if they don’t usually accompany us during that trip.
Now, a police department is issuing free rearview mirror tags to remind parents to check for their children.

Posted on June 25, the O’Fallon Missouri Police Department announced it would be giving away free rearview mirror tags to people who wanted them. The tags are big warning signs for all who drive with children.
The tags are bright yellow and reminds parents that “heat-related deaths are preventable.”

It also reminds parents to, “never leave a child alone in a vehicle — not even for a minute!”
This simple solution could save lives.

The post on Facebook reads: “In the continuing effort to provide the best level of service possible to our residents, the OPD is offering these rearview mirror reminders to ensure your most prized possession is safe.”
We can help prevent more deaths caused by children being left in hot cars.

“So far this year 13 children have died in the US after being left in hot cars, including one in St. Louis County earlier this month.”
People online thought that the idea was brilliant and thanked the police department.

One Facebook user wrote: “What a wonderful idea and making it available to the public is awesome. Children are our most precious gifts that we have been allowed to watch over, guide and protect.”
These mirror tags can help prevent another tragedy.

Another wrote: In an ideal world, yes, we wouldn’t need these, but things do happen. Rather than judging, thank you OPD for trying to help prevent any unnecessary deaths or injuries! Thank you! Thank you!” Yes, Thank You!
Last Updated on July 3, 2019 by Lex Gabrielle