Have you ever done something and immediately regretted it? Or realized that you just made a giant fool out of yourself? I can’t stand it when that happens. Blunders always seem to haunt me for a long time. Ha, ha!
These folks know what that’s like. They’ve made huge mistakes and lived to tell about it. And now we can witness their pain online.
1. This Perplexing Situation

Imagine this situation: Three humans try to unlock a car to get their keys out, only they don’t seem to realize that there is plastic wrap taped over the back window. W*F? I can’t even.
2. This Fake Money

I can’t believe some cashier accepted this fake $100 bill. It clearly states, “For Motion Picture Use Only” right on it. That isn’t just written for fun. I should know ’cause I used to be a cashier, too.
3. This Animal Kingdom Fail

OMG, I laughed so hard when I read this. If you’re ever having a bad day I suggest you remember this one. No matter how bad things get at least you’re not as clueless as this person is. Right?
4. This Faux Pas

This is a classic online fail we’re witnessing here. If you post a picture of your gift card without cropping the ID number this is what happens. People will redeem it before you even get to it…
5. This Takeout Disaster

You know you’ve reached a new low when you go to McDonald’s and somebody forgets to put the actual burger in your cheeseburger. Oh, man! I would have been so mad. Quick, drive back, and give them heck.
6. This Smart Influencer

It just goes to show you: It doesn’t matter how chic you are if you can’t tell that your clock is upside-down. I mean, now the whole world knows just how smart this lady really is.
7. This Restaurant’s Rules
Okay, this makes perfect sense. When you order food from this restaurant and a seagull steals it from you, it’s clearly your problem and not theirs. I mean, why would they be responsible for it. Right? Ha, ha!
8. This Mistaken Identity

This person’s mother-in-law was complaining that she couldn’t get the coffee grinder to work. Apparently, she tried to grind her coffee in this pencil sharpener. Ha, ha! I gotta say, they do look quite similar, though.
9. This Millionaire Contender

I’ve definitely seen some pretty silly questions being asked on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire . But I gotta admit, I’ve never seen somebody ask for the audience’s help on something like this before. That’s pretty embarrassing.
10. This Lost In Translation Moment

This is a mistake I could never make since I was born in Eastern Europe. But I would think that if you’re watching a show about Chernobyl you would at least know this or realize that the characters don’t all have the same name!
11. This Miscalculation

It seems to me that somebody failed math in school. Otherwise, they would have quickly calculated that 50% of 12 ounces equals 6. So when you add 6 to 12 that makes 18, which is obviously 50% more than 12. Duh!
12. This Major Clean-Up

I feel so sorry for the poor employee who has to attempt to clean up this mess. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that olive oil and broken glass aren’t the easiest things in the world to clean.
13. These Berries That Are Past Their Prime

How would you feel if you ordered berries at a restaurant and got these? Did the cook not even look at them before serving them to this poor customer? I hope the restaurant made it up to them.
14. This Lesson In Transporting Paint

If you’re moving cans of paint, you’re definitely going to want to make sure that the lid is secure AND that the can won’t roll around in your truck’s bed. Otherwise, this is the mess that awaits you.
15. This Pillow Disaster

To be fair, this Reddit user said that the tag specifically said the pillow was machine washable. Oh, man, who’s to blame here? The machine or the company that made the pillow?
16. Always Read The Description

Online shopping can be the ultimate gamble which is why you can’t go off the photo alone. Make sure to read the description and dimensions of the product carefully! I bet this person is wishing they had done that before buying these teeny, tiny rolls of paper towels.
17. This Stubborn Truck Driver

This truck driver attempted to turn around in a hospital’s ambulance bay despite staff telling the driver he couldn’t. As you can see, the truck is now wedged in the bay for the foreseeable future. Yikes!
18. This Shortcut

Whenever someone tells me they know of a shortcut, I’m immediately skeptical. I would say 90% of the time, the “shortcut” just ends up taking longer because we get lost or encounter some other obstacle. In this case, this woman attempted to take a shortcut in a parking garage, and it clearly didn’t save her any time.
19. This Sticky Situation

The caption pretty much says it all, but here’s the TL;DR version: maple syrup and computers don’t mix. I hope they were able to fix their computer but I’m going to guess that this situation doesn’t have a happy ending.
20. This Car Wreck

Every once in a while, people think they can try “off-roading” even if they’ve never done it before. While it can sound like fun, maybe listen when someone points out to you that you’re driving too close to the river. Like, way too close.
21. This Failed Delivery

I dunno why this is something that seems to keep happening to everybody. Just where are they ordering stuff from? LOL! I’ve never had anything remotely close to this occur to me like ever. Have you?
22. This Delivery Pizza Fail
Wow, I’m surprised this pizza delivery place would even have maraschino cherries. I mean, why? What food item could they possibly put those on at a pizza joint? Makes no sense to me at all.
Okay, am I the only one who feels better after seeing all of these? Ha, ha!
I know, maybe I shouldn’t take pleasure in other people’s misfortune. But I’m not trying to be mean. I swear. They’re just making me giggle.
Last Updated on September 20, 2021 by Kasia Galifi