Dating is one of the most unpleasant things you can do to pass the time, and that’s just a fact. I don’t need an academic study to tell me that being single is a struggle, because pretty much everyone knows that. However, did you know that some people are single by choice ? I bet most of you didn’t.
That’s the thing about relationships, some people are made to be paired up and some people just want to be alone. After reading this article, my guess is you’ll be fine with flying solo.
1. If you met a guy on Tinder, this is probably how your relationship will look in a few years.
You can’t squeeze juice out of stone and expect it to taste like Tropicana, honey.
2. The frantic panic to pick a mate gets way too real once you turn 30.
Honestly, you’re just better off avoiding the search all together and learning how to be alone.
3. I’m not gonna sit here and harp on girls who have issues, because honey, I am one of those girls.
However, I do think it’s important not to put those issues onto others, and this conversation is a perfect example of that.
4. Being alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. Sometimes you just have to treat yourself.
Everyone deserves a little somethin’ special every now and then. Why not spoil yourself and let yourself bask in your own glow?
5. A hangry chick will date just about anyone for a good meal, but a hungry chick will be choosy.
That’s why it’s always important to never let yourself get to that hangry state, ladies.
6. I may have 99 problems, but a dysfunctional relationship filled with passive-aggressive commentary isn’t one of them.
Can I get an amen, and maybe even a small pizza for one?
7. I don’t know much about Fallout, but I do know that every girl who’s dating a gamer is going to be single for the next couple months.
Jump on in, ladies. The water is warm.
8. Listen carefully, ladies. The fear of commitment is a real thing. I’ve seen it firsthand.
So don’t carry on dating that emotionally unavailable guy hoping that he will one day change, because that’s just insane.
9. Everyone needs to realize that you gotta ease into the crazy.
Think of it this way, you need to bait them before you can trap them. It’s a whole process, and it can be quite time-consuming.
10. This Christmas card is what happens when you lean into something instead of fighting against the current.
Sure, it’s kinda sad, but everyone else is laughing, so that’s got to mean something.
11. Notice that there are two very different perspectives demonstrated in this conversation, yet only one of them is realistic.
I wish more people conducted themselves this way on dating apps.
12. I didn’t even make this statement, and I still choose to stand behind it.
There aren’t many things that I’ll rule out of my life completely, but romantic feelings have got to be one of them (for practical reasons, of course).
13. This man is walking around thinking he’s a celebrity.
How many women do you need to cycle through to have a “baby mama” reveal on Instagram? That is the real question here.
14. Doing something behind someone’s back should always be metaphorical and never a physical thing.
I feel like this guy misunderstands the basic principles behind cheating, and honestly, I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing.
15. This has got to be the most savage and devastating bathroom break ever, and I’m counting the time I had kidney stones.
It’s things like this that make me believe we’re all better off alone.
16. I’m no psychologist but I am a breakup expert, and as such, I can confirm that this logic is 100% accurate.
Consider this image groundbreaking research to help improve a girl’s player radar.
Last Updated on October 22, 2020 by Diply