There are very few things that are more confusing in this world than someone’s strange eating habits. Except, maybe, pictures on the internet where the perspective makes them make absolutely zero sense.
Try making sense of the pictures in this list. It might take a bit of time, but you’ll probably be able to work them all out. Or not.
“Charmin’s branding caught me off guard for a second.”

Yeah, for a split second I thought those rolls of toilet paper were… a little used, if you catch my drift. But they’re just packaged really strangely. Not sure why they felt the need to do that.
“Reflection On An Iron.”

This is the kind of thing that would absolutely freak me out if I tried ironing in the early morning. I’m not saying this is why I don’t use a clothes iron, but it isn’t helping.
“The rest of my cat failed to render.”

This cat has totally entered the void. Or, it’s at least about to fully enter the void. Or maybe it’s exiting the void.
Or, maybe the kitty is just chilling in a blanket or something.
“Glitched door.”

You know when there’s a pile of snow indented to look like your door directly outside your door, that there’s definitely too much snow. Take this as a sign that you shouldn’t leave your house for a bit.
“Dog has long legs.”

I’m pretty sure no one was expecting this to happen. Least of all the person sitting behind that dog. I can’t tell if this picture is hilarious, disturbing, or some combination of the two.
“The lady on the right looks like she’s flipping off the camera on a Health Workers Union magazine.”

Oh man, this is actually hilarious. And it’s all because the lighting in the picture is hitting the woman in the back in such a way that it makes her neck blend in with the hand of the woman in front.
“My dog lost his head.”

I feel like this dog is going into the same void that the cat was in earlier. But don’t worry, dogs always find their way home, and this one will probably make it out of the void again.
“I’ll shake your hand, but I won’t enjoy it.”

Ah yes, the dangers of wearing black in a group of people who are also wearing black, all while standing outside at night. A very specific set of circumstances, but still plausible, I guess.
“Light reflecting on the surface makes It looks like a shark is in my Koi pond.”

Okay, before you go freaking out about a shark in your koi pond, just remember that sharks don’t magically appear in ponds. And if they do, then you can probably freak out a little.
“I see you…”

Even though it looks like there’s a creepy face peering back at us from that girl’s hair, I’m, like, 99% sure it’s just buttons on a shirt or something. Nothing to be afraid of. Probably.
“A photo of a friend at his pond.”

Everything about this picture is super confusing. It’s so hard to tell which way is up, even. All I know is that there’s water, and there’s people.
Man, staring at this is making my head hurt.
“Never skip arm day.”

I’m not surprised that there are multiple people at this conference wearing similarly-colored dress shirts. After all, it’s a conference. But man, talk about a wild coincidence. I wonder if he ever noticed…
“2 dogs… or just one with a loooong neck?”

I’m pretty sure this is one dog, but without the long neck. This little pooch is just all turned around, probably trying to look at its owner. Which means more confusion for the rest of us.
“Friends sitting on a ledge with a reflection on the river.”

Even though it kind of looks like these friends are sitting on a ledge that overlooks the sky, they’re totally just sitting against a strangely reflective body of water. Seriously, though, that’s wild!
“This floating toilet paper roll.”

I’m not going to lie, I have no idea what’s happening here. All I know is that it would probably make a trip to the bathroom a little more interesting. Probably not by much, though.
“This car is levitating.”

Once again, no clue what’s actually going on here. Is the car levitating? Is it somehow balancing on that rock? Is this all just one really wild optical illusion? Okay, that last one’s probably the right answer.
“My sister and her bf. It just seems weird.”

It’s honestly kind of hard to tell where the sister ends and the boyfriend begins. It doesn’t help that they both happen to be wearing black shirts.
The more I look, the more confused I get.
“My dogs have merged together.”

These dogs look like they won’t let you pass through the gate unless you answer a series of riddles. Either that, or they’re ready to breathe fire on you and burn you to a crisp.
“This wall that looks like you can see through it.”

I have no clue what’s happening here, but it’s super cool. Who needs actual windows when you can just have projections that make it look like you can see right through the walls?
“[I took a picture] of snow on a fence.”

It looks more like a shiny studded belt buckle or something. Or, like, a field of pyramids in harsh sunlight. Snow on a fence is probably the last thing I’d expect this picture to be showing.
Last Updated on January 21, 2022 by Ashley Hunte