You’d better get some pain relievers on hand, because these pictures are sure as heck going to make your brain hurt.
We’ve got all kinds of weird stuff for you today, from optical illusions to bizarre plants to some straight-up wacky behavior from people on the internet. So come along for the ride.
I’ve always known that people who speak French have magic powers, but apparently they can make this shower last a full half-minute longer, just by being French.
Sorry, I shouldn’t stereotype like that. Not all French people have magic powers.
We’re going to have to sit and have a nice, calm, rational conversation about the reprehensible use of the word “Classic” here.
It’s not like this was even in Hawaii or something. It was in Tanzania. What in the world are you doing over there, Tanzania?
I imagine that whoever designed this costume had Homer Simpson described to them by an 8-year-old who had only seen one episode of The Simpsons about 6 months before.
I shall call him Himer Sompson.
It’s important to know your limits.
It’s even more important to put those limitations online for everybody to laugh at. Or laugh with you, I guess, is more of the point.
Oh wow, this went about as badly as bowling could possibly go.
Of all the images and gifs compiled in this article, this is the one that is most likely to literally hurt someone’s brain.
I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with this plant. Do I eat it? Shake its hand? What exactly is happening here?
Apparently, they’re called kangaroo paws. I can’t imagine why.
Oh, thank goodness somebody finally explained the lyrics to me
Only vaguely related — a radio station I used to listen to had a segment where people called in to talk about lyrics they always misheard. My favorite was some guy who said that he always heard Nickelback’s “How U Remind Me” as “I’ve been wrong, I’ve been down, been to the bottom of Harry Potter.” That’s probably still in my Top Five Funniest Things I’ve Ever Heard.
Here’s a protip for you — if you ever have to argue that you aren’t technically lying, you’re still lying.
Like yeah, you could also say that the cereal will give me my weekly recommended dosage of magnesium if you also eat a block of magnesium with it, but that doesn’t mean it came with the cereal. Come on, y’all.
I’m just sitting here giggling to myself as I try to pronounce each of these.
We start on the Firth floor, then move onto the Twoth, Threeth, and end up on the silliest one of them all — Fourd.
There are many different degrees of weird. There’s weird, then there’s internet weird. And then there’s Tumblr weird.
And yes, we’re all a bit wigged out by this, but I really need to know what Ask-Bobbi here is. My guess is that they’re one of those aliens from Animorphs.
This one honestly took me a second, and now it’s making me unbelievably angry.
She’s just sucking on the spoon! She hasn’t touched the food! Your utensils are not an amuse-bouche!
Oh, wow. Yeah, I don’t think that that’s how that works.
The fact that the bottle yells “It Works!” on it should be a sign that somebody’s trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m really craving a burger.
I realize this is done ironically, but c’mon, that’s, like, $40 worth of ink on that picture.
Also, can we stop for a second and appreciate that this printer is apparently called Bob Marley? I dunno why, but that just tickles me.
I get that it’s probably cost-prohibitive to get a model to pose with every single one of your hats. I really do get that. But come ON, people.
Hold on, I’m still not sure what this is supposed to say.
Is this Planet Tan? Why is Mars your planet of choice? Or is it actually a slice of salami? We’ve got problems here, obviously.
Someday, I hope to get to a point where I understand when people are joking, but today is not that day.
Until then, I’ll keep sharing images like these and letting you decide for yourselves.
I don’t want to gatekeep or discriminate or anything like that, but this seems like a lot of conditions for somebody to be on the road.
Maaaaaybe it’s time to hang up the ol’ keys, y’know?
It’s like it was designed specifically to cheese me off.
Sure, thinking that an entire building would be constructed with the sole purpose of annoying me may speak to my delusions of grandeur, but here we are.
Two packages of Life Savers. That’s all it took for CVS to print off a receipt so large it could feed a family of six.
Please don’t actually eat receipts.
I know we’re getting into semantics here, but at what point is a burger no longer a “cheese”burger?
Does having any amount of cheese automatically make it a cheeseburger? Or is there a certain percentage of surface area you need to cover before you’re allowed to use that word?
I’m going to need to vent my frustrations about this somewhere.
At first, I thought it was photoshopped, but then I realized that nobody would ever think that this was interesting enough to photoshop. Turns out the vent slats are just going the opposite way, so the reflection makes it seem backwards. Pretty disappointing, eh? Now you know how my wife feels.
When these people play Duck, Duck, Goose, they go HARD.
Sure, it makes for a more realistic and (literally) immersive experience, but the cost of all the water damage just made it not worth it at all.
Last Updated on September 10, 2020 by Amy Pilkington