Selfishness and stupidity never cease to amaze. It feels like every day, there’s a new idiot vying to be named “World’s Biggest J**k.” That might sound harsh, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
To better articulate my point, I’ve scoured the internet in order to find examples of people’s incredulous behavior. Be forewarned that these 15 photos are bound to make you scream .
One toke over the line.
Have you ever been jonesing for a fix so badly, that you’d throw caution to the wind and start sucking from a carved-out hole on some random park bench? I most certainly would hope not.
Isn’t that what changerooms are for?
Almost every restaurant in existence nowadays has a designated change table for newborns and infants. Even if they happened to not, that doesn’t give you free range to change a dirty diaper while I’m eating.
Anyone for a “lightly used” computer chair?
Sweet baby Jesus, I am truly at a loss for words. Do I comment on the f***l matter stain, the white crusty s***n spots, or how about the fact that this person had the audacity to list this item for $350?!
Take me away from the ball game.
If some lady stuck her disgusting feet over the seat in front of her, so that they were mere inches from my face — I’d freak out. If ever there was a reason to call security, this is it.
Who’s going to clean all this up?
“Even though I don’t work here, the parents with their children in the photo made a mess in the toy aisle at a store. I feel sorry for whoever would have to clean that up.” – Reddit u/Tiork
What not to do when you’ve finished your meal on an airplane.
What kind of entitled j**k would do something like this — don’t they realize that the flight attendants are the ones who have to clean up the mess? Why not just wait until they made the rounds and collected the trays?
If you need to rest while in the grocery store, try finding a bench.
Lady, if you are so out of shape or physically limited to the point where you can’t even shop for groceries without sitting down, you need to invest in a Rascal scooter. An apple box is never OK to sit on.
I think I’m going to throw up.
What in God’s name happened to your feet? I feel like I can smell them just from looking at this picture! This is the type of behavior that should get you thrown off an airline.
When you try to get a nap in on the train ride to work.
These are the worst kind of people — the ones who are only out for themselves. The keyword in public transit is public . You’re not at home in your living room, so sit up and make space for others.
What kind of parent thinks that this is acceptable behavior?
According to a post made by Reddit user Dog-On-The-Moon , “This lady has been on the phone since she sat down, while her kid is running around doing this to the salt shakers.”
This is not the way.
Here’s a public service announcement to all parents who allow their children to leave a theater in this manner: do better. Try instilling even an ounce of respect in your little hellions, because one day — this is where they’ll be working.
The worst kind of travelers.
Nope, nuh-uh, no way. I don’t give a hot d**n how tired you might think you are. Under no circumstances am I going to be forced to stand while you stretch your legs out over every available seat. This is flat-out disgusting.
Letting your child watch a movie in a restaurant, on full volume, is probably a bad idea.
I get it, parents, your child is a monster who can’t be torn away from their tablet. But just because you use technology as a babysitter doesn’t mean that the rest of the world should have to pay the consequences.
Congratulations! You’re now officially banned for life.
If you wanted to make a poster for “toxic masculinity” — this would undoubtedly be it. Only a testosterone-fueled j*****s with far too much machismo and not enough brains would do something so childish.
They’re magically delicious!
I guess the only real question I have when looking at this photo is, where did they get the bowl and spoon? Did this person raid the housewares department before they started devouring his shoplifted cereal or did they bring it from home?
Last Updated on January 12, 2022 by Jordan Claes