Every year when Halloween rolls around, parents scramble trying to come up with unique and original costumes to put their little ones in. Although some kids may not be going trick-or-treating this year, parents still love having the opportunity to take photos that are equally festive and adorable. Parents with young children love to post photos of their cute little babies online dressed up for the world to see.
This year in particular, parents are looking for ways to make Halloween fun.

With the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, many parents are not comfortable with allowing their children out to trick-or-treat. However, they still want their kids to celebrate Halloween in some way.
Some parents are trying to make the very best of it by coming up with creative ideas to allow their kids to collect their candy.

There are some innovative parents who are finding hilarious and creative ways to display and give out candy to their kids. Some parents are even creating “slides” to put candy in and hand out to trick-or-treaters.
Instead of going out with friends and family, some families, however, are having their kids dress up and have fun at home.

News organizations and outlets are also reveling in the festive spirit by sharing photos of kids in adorable costumes to kick off October.
As part of its Halloween celebrations, the *TODAY Show* is hosting a virtual Halloween parade.
The show has invited parents to submit photos of their children’s costumes for a chance to be featured on the TODAY Show or its social media pages. For this event, the show recently shared a photo of a little one in a lobster Halloween costume on its Instagram page.
While the picture is absolutely adorable, it’s stirred up quite the controversy.

The photo features a little one dressed as a lobster, sitting in a pot (which is supposed to be “boiling water”). However, as cute as the picture is, people online were outraged after seeing it.
At first glance, the photo doesn’t look too out of the ordinary.
Other than the fact that a lobster isn’t the most popular toddler costume choice, there doesn’t seem to be anything obviously wrong. But people online were quick to voice their concern over the photo.
People quickly began commenting and pointing out some of the safety concerns they had with the photo.

While the photo was clearly meant as a cheeky joke, many people still felt it was inappropriate. Others shared concerns over the safety of the photo’s setup.
It seems that some people were angry that the child was placed in a pot.

One person commented on the Instagram post saying, “Pls take this down. Before some kid puts a sibling in a pot.” Clearly, they’re not happy that the toddler is sitting inside of the pot.
Other people said that it’s “not funny” at all.

One person added that “… they should have put [the pot] on the floor and not the stove.” They were concerned that someone may accidentally knock into the k**b and turn the stove on, or that the pot would tip over.
There were also people who were unhappy with the costume altogether.

There were some people who commented on the photo, unhappy that parents would instill this in their children. One person wrote, “Boiling lobsters is incredibly cruel. All creatures want to live.”
Not everyone was unhappy over the costume.

There were numerous comments from people who thought it was a cute and funny choice. There aren’t too many lobsters trick-or-treating on Halloween, so it was definitely a unique idea!
One user even wondered why “no one has a sense of humor.”

Some of the commenters agreed that while the joke might have been a little dark, at the end of the day, it was clearly a joke for a Halloween photo.
Of all the people who commented, even *TODAY*’s notorious weatherman, Al Roker, chimed in.

Roker commented on the picture, simply writing “ummmm.” While it’s uncertain whether he was serious or just adding fuel to the fire, it’s funny to see that even he got in on the discussion.
It seems as though the *TODAY Show* does not see much wrong with the photo, as it’s still on their Instagram page.
While some parents and commenters are unhappy with the post, TODAY has kept the photo up so far on their Instagram page.
What’s your take on it? Cute? Or dangerous?
Last Updated on October 13, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle