We all make mistakes , and some of those mistakes have a way of compounding themselves into a costly situation. It doesn’t seem to take much for things to snowball way out of control, does it?
If you’ve just made some expensive mistakes, scan your way through this list. There’s no way you messed up half as badly as these people.
“Someone sent the fuel truck a little too hard.”

If I had the chance to drive on a wide-open airport tarmac, with unlimited space and no traffic laws, I’d probably do the same thing.
“Taped the front door of a bar…”

You just know that something extremely sketchy is going on behind the scenes if something like this is taped to the door. And also, I don’t think that’s a thing.
“Nothing to see here. Move along.”

I get the desire to just get something done, but sometimes it’s more prudent to exercise just a little bit of safety. You know, maybe just the absolute bare minimum.
“May come back later.”

The appropriate response is to scream, slam the box shut, and hopefully never have to open it ever again. The snake owns the box now, is my understanding of how things work.
“Never seen a boom on a crane crack like this before.”

It’s honestly kind of terrifying to see something made of solid steel just…crack so easily. Hopefully this crane has been retired now, because it sure doesn’t look like it’s in any condition to lift stuff.
“A £1 Million ($1.4 Million) Lamborghini Based Bat-mobile got into an accident with a Renault Scenic.”

In a sense, this is almost refreshing as it makes Batman appear fallible. Also makes you wonder what joker was behind the wheel of that Renault.
“First blowout on my 11 year old Camry, 3 swollen nuts so I couldn’t get them out and it’s raining outside and I’m on the highway.”

The worst part of this would be calling AAA and telling them that you need help because your swollen nuts make the job too difficult for one person.
“One of the live music venues in Minneapolis I love is going to be closed indefinitely….that’ll do it.”

That bus must have been looking for a shortcut around this corner or something. And it sort of found one, I guess?
“Excited to get a gig building a greenhouse near the beach. Find out what sand fleas are.”

Why do all the little bugs that make their homes in the sand have to be so darn bitey? I swear the beach has a near-monopoly on bitey bugs.
“My truck fell off a tow truck today and sideswiped a nice lady’s tree.”

It must be a weird feeling to see your car totally crash and wipe out and know that it wasn’t your fault at all, and be completely powerless to do anything about it as it’s happening.
“Somebody dropped their coffee on the bus.”

It’s too bad that this person lost their morning cup of joe, but on the plus side, they got some unique art out of it. So they have that going for them, which is nice.
“Travelling back to work and my bag gets caught in a car fire. All medical equipment, garmin watch, Xbox, projector and countless clothes up in smoke. Let my week get better.”

There’s nothing like putting all of your most valuable stuff into the same bag, then having that bag catch fire.
“I guess I’ll stay at home today.”

If you’ve ever been blocked in like this, you know how helpless it feels. Unless your car is also a helicopter, you’re just not getting out.
“Neighbor just got a Supra a few weeks ago.”

There’s a lesson here: Supras are nice cars, and if you buy one, try not to cheat on your partner. Actually, that last part applies no matter what you’re driving.
“I broke up with my girlfriend the other day. Today we said our last goodbye as I headed to work and she was moving out. While at work this happened spontaneously with no one around. Then I found out my insurance doesn’t cover glass.”

Sometimes the universe conspires to attack you. I’m not saying this is what happened here, but I can’t think of another explanation.
“The plane I just boarded. The flight attendant didn’t seem worried, but, I am.”

This is why I never study the plane I’m about to board too closely. There’s always something vaguely alarming you’ll spot just before takeoff.
“My friend went to get into his work truck this morning and found that someone drilled a hole in the gas tank and stole all of his gas.”

I know that gas is expensive and all, but this seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through just to get a free tank of gas.
“My puppy ate my passport.”
![Image credit: reddit | [user]](https://static.diply.com/ecf5c886-c9aa-415a-99ab-6f59f7429f30.webp)
Your teachers didn’t believe you when you said your dog ate your homework, and customs won’t believe you when you say that your puppy ate your passport.
“The only path back to my room blocked by cute but incredibly angry sea lions.”

I’d suggest just dashing through here, but that’s probably a bad idea. Sea lions have teeth, after all. They also smell really bad.
“*Pats box*… That’s not going anywhere.”

To be fair, this does appear to be firmly connected to the car. I just don’t understand the why of the whole situation.
Last Updated on March 22, 2022 by D