Online shopping can sometimes be a huge hit or a terrible miss. What does it depend on? I actually have no idea, lol. I guess it depends on how reputable a retailer is, but in some cases, even that won’t save you from a disaster.
Case in point with these poor folks who took a chance shopping online and didn’t receive what they were expecting.
1. When You Get A Men’s Size Instead Of A Women’s
So I guess this can happen occasionally. Perhaps due to no fault of your own but because of a poor item description.
2. When You Buy Leggings Online

Wow, my problem is that usually leggings are too small but this is something else. These look more like a leotard, lol.
3. When Something Gets Lost In Translation
I dunno if it’s because this item was made in China or if it was laziness but this just ain’t right.
4. When You Order From China
Speaking of China, how about this for a surprise? Such a gorgeous jumpsuit in the photo, only it was delivered like this. Not even close.
5. When You Get The Prom Dress Of Your Nightmares

Wow, this would’ve been such a fabulous red prom dress that would definitely have made a statement. The dress that actually arrived will make a statement, too, just not the kind this girl was hoping for.
6. When You Shop On Wish
This lady really wanted to channel her inner Maleficent, but instead, she got a headpiece not worth showing to anyone. Just burn it.
7. When Things Don’t Measure Up
How cute does this top look online? Unfortunately, it just doesn’t translate the same when you actually put it on your own body.
8. When You’re A Big Spender
The fact that someone would actually spend $750 on a pair of sneakers baffles me immensely. But then, they get this. Serves them right.
9. This Slenderman Outfit

OMG, just how tall do you have to be to wear these pants? I wonder how many people got fooled by this listing. Like really.
10. When You’ve Got Short Girl Problems
Ladies, let this be a warning to you. When you see a tall model wearing the dress online, it may not fit you well in real life.
11. When You’re A Die-Hard Black Sabbath Fan

Ha, ha, ha. Someone was either serious with this or just out to lunch. But, either way, this cap still kicks b**t.
12. When You Expect A Fitted Coat And Get This
Oh, wow! Imagine this girl’s surprise when she thought she was getting a fitted coat and ended up with this.
13. When You Take A Chance On Aliexpress

I’ve never shopped at Aliexpress so I don’t know if this is typical, but I would be furious if I got this. This is just so, so bad.
14. When You Get Baby-Sized
Um, it seems that somebody forgot to edit that online description correctly and this guy got the baby-sized version instead of the adult one.
15. When You End Up Like A Wrecking Ball
Thinking of channeling that Miley Cyrus look? Think again. This lady did and look at how it turned out for her.
16. When You Get This Bra Disaster
“This looks cute,” you say to yourself while searching for dresses online. I’m sure that’s not what this woman was thinking when she tried it on, though. Yikes!
17. When It Just Doesn’t Add Up

Why would anyone order a cape like this is beyond me. But what they definitely didn’t want was an ugly hoodie instead. Not even close.
18. When You Get This Exact Replica
What? Come again? How is this even remotely close to the online picture of this product? I would be so peeved if this happened to me.
19. This Hilarious Delivery
OMG, I would be laughing my b**t off if I ordered these boots online and then they were this size when I opened the package. I’m going to guess these are actually for dolls.
20. These Mini Leggings

Oh, yeah. Newsflash: Always read the fine print because you may end up with leggings that fit perfectly on a Bratz doll. Ha, ha!
21. When You Shop On eBay
I gotta admit, I’ve only bought a handful of clothes on eBay and usually, they were just tees. This is not a good look.
22. When You Want To Look Cute

I can’t blame this girl for wanting to look cute but I blame the manufacturer for apparently running out of fabric. LOL!
Some people swear that they have the best time shopping for clothes online.
But looking at these examples, it’s just too hard to believe. I still prefer regular stores. Ha, ha.
Last Updated on September 15, 2021 by Kasia Galifi