I’m a little embarrassed by how mad I got this morning when the bus came way too early. It didn’t completely throw my schedule off like I thought it would, and it’s not that big of a deal in general.
No, freaking out about stuff that kinda doesn’t matter is nothing new for me.
It’s just that I really have a hard time doing it after seeing the days that these people had.
1. “Ice cream cake” may sound light and fluffy, but you can’t afford to mess around when you’re cutting one.

If we didn’t treat the ones we ordered to our office with the slightly intimidated respect we did, our knives would’ve ended up just like this one.
2. The worst part is that this isn’t even one of those things you can pull in with the sheet you have.

Because even if you found a public bathroom that stocks decent toilet paper (as if,) it’s only gonna unfurl even more on the grody floor.
3. Welp, everything I’ve ever lost suddenly seems really insignificant now.

I get anxious when I lose my keys, but at least I didn’t pay three months’ salary for them.
Oh yeah, and the keys aren’t a symbol of my love and coming union and blah blah blah.
4. I imagine I would sit there in quiet misery and confusion before I decided whether I’m hungry enough to eat this.

The egg is still an egg, I suppose, but there’s a reason that nobody tops them with cream cheese, no matter how you make them.
5. I know this is heresy, but I think I’d rather just turn my phone off than try to Spider-Man my way up there to charge it.

Frankly, I’m amazed it’s not falling out. Mine gets snippy with me when I slightly bump the table it’s on.
6. Man, this is how rigged these claw machines are. Even when you somehow manage to win, they find a way to make you regret it.

“Oh, you got Elastigirl, huh? That’s real nice. It’d be a shame if somebody…poked the claw through her head.”
7. You might be wondering what’s so terrible here, but that odd shape next to the boat is actually a truck.

Yeah, I don’t know what’s been responsible for more spilled tears, faulty parking brakes or structurally unstable ice cream cones.
8. So to cut a long story short, some mice got into this ATM and presto! Almost $18,000 worth of rupees disappears.

Some magic acts have been so incredible that they brought people to tears, but it probably wasn’t for this reason.
9. We don’t know the story here, but I think we can sum it up by saying these cost a lot of money and now they’re busted.

And in true headphone form, it looks like one side is more messed up than the other, which was inevitable.
10. Getting a nasty dent like this s***s hard enough without the part where you realize your car just lost a fight with a bike.

I’d normally roll my eyes at names like “Gamma X” for a bike, but I’m lowkey convinced it has actual gamma rays.
11. Um, I’m not all that convinced those are actually clouds. I think a lot of things are on fire over that way, so it’s time to go the other way.

If that wasn’t enough of a sign, look how fast that black car is going. Bye bye.
12. Yup, it totally feels important to have a key for this thing if it’s just gonna do this.

Bonus points for being the only box in the stack to have that happen to it, too. I’m sure the thieves won’t notice that unique…quirk about it.
13. Unless somebody’s GPS is really getting scrambled, I’m not seeing anything around here that you can mistake for a road.

I have a nice, big L to deliver for this disaster, and I need to know whether to give it to the driver or the car.
14. Oof, this person’s wild night obviously turned them into a tough customer because that is one harsh review.

I mean, one-star reviews are normally reserved for food that made you vomit for one reason or another, but for no ketchup?
This is one serious critic.
15. I’m both kind of relieved and nail-bitingly worried that this is what happens when you get your hand caught in a train door.

I was expecting the door to break it, but getting stuck in a probably painful position for a long time might be worse.
16. What kind of cruel monster brings this plate out for guests?

Oh, sure. Get me all riled up to completely destroy a plate of fries only to pull the rug out and say, “Haha, they’re not real.”
Yeah? Well, apparently, neither is our friendship.
Last Updated on January 4, 2021 by Diply