Human beings are capable of incredible things. But just because something is possible doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a good idea to do it.
Indeed, one of the most incredible human traits is the wisdom to not do some of the stuff you’re about to see. Sometimes the road not taken isn’t one you really have to wonder about.
“The ladders are ratchet strapped together.”

One ladder is tall, so many ladders can be very tall. The logic checks out, even if nothing else in this picture does. Let’s hope he survived this ill-advised adventure.
“Added coolant to my engine oil by accident this morning.”

Sometimes, the circumstances that led you to an outcome don’t really matter. When you see your car getting towed away like this, that’s all that really matters.
“An unfortunate trim design on this house.”

Some contractor did this intentionally, right? I just can’t imagine this not being noticed, because it stands out like a sore thumb. Maybe it’s something you only notice from far off. Maybe.
“Brushed my teeth for a good 20 seconds with this.”

To be fair, this will probably have some kind of effect on the teeth, even if it isn’t the desired one. But how do you get 20 seconds in without noticing?
“The buckles on this pillow are an eye-poking hazard.”

Pillows are perfectly functional the way they’re built. So why not add something that makes them uncomfortable and pointy while adding zero functionality?
“A shirt with a design that looks like someone spilled coffee on the shirt.”

Humanity likes to get creative with clothing designs, but sometimes you see an example of someone thinking just a little bit too far outside the box.
“My school thinks they are cool on St. Patrick’s Day.”

Some stuff can take a little bit of green food coloring and look festive. Other stuff just looks moldy. As if school lunches don’t tend to be appetite suppressants at the best of times.
“Safety warning in a hospital.”

This isn’t a bad idea. You don’t want the depictions on warning signs to look fun, you want them to look super scary. So, mission accomplished there. But try not to think about why that sign is necessary.
“15 inch gap to get the fire extinguisher that’s surrounded by cardboard boxes filled with wooden cabinets.”

Some facilities don’t really care how accessible the fire extinguisher is, they just care that, theoretically, there’s a fire extinguisher back there somewhere.
“Might be a bit too much of a load for the generator.”

I don’t know enough about mechanical stuff to properly assess this picture, but I do know that you probably don’t want anything to glow red like that.
“Driving behind a commercial pickup truck with no bed door carrying unsecured loose debris.”
![Image credit: reddit | [user]](
I don’t know who’s dumber here, the driver of the truck or the driver who’s ten feet behind said truck.
“Stepladders are overrated.”

Stepladders don’t typically roll, so this has some functionality over your average ladder. I’m not sure if that functionality is actually a good thing, though.
“Barista asked if she could make me a ‘surprise coffee, free of charge’ and comes back with this.”

It might be a little bit off-putting, but hey, free coffee is free coffee, regardless of the latte art on top.
“I noticed a piece of broccoli on my plate that I thought looked like an opossum face so I used it to make a little food opossum.”

I used to like to play with my food, but now I mostly just eat it. No one wants to eat an opossum made of broccoli and potatoes.
“Testing out our new printer. Left the room for 5 minutes and came back to this.”

Printers are capable of all kinds of evil, so this is punishment for leaving the printer unattended.
“Drank the whole coconut then cracked it open to find this.”

This reminds me of the time I was camping and drank some pooled rainwater in the dark, only to discover in the light that it was full of mouse p**p.
“Told the waiter at the resort to surprise me… (caesar salad topped hotdog with Cheetos on a tortilla).”

Look, if you tell your server to surprise you, you’re basically asking them to take you life in their hands.
“I guess motorcycles only… barely.”

I wonder who’s to blame for stuff like this. It’s like they plunked a ready-made gas station into the spot without any thought. But somebody clearly gave it the thumbs up!
“Wheelchair friendly stairway.”

This establishment needs to learn that making a place wheelchair accessible goes beyond just painting random wheelchair logos on the stairs.
“Gotta make sure that ladder is EXTRA secure.”

This seems dangerous, but on the other hand, it might seem even more dangerous without the guy there to hold the ladder.
Last Updated on March 22, 2022 by D