No one likes getting caught doing something that they shouldn’t be doing, but it happens a lot in this world of ours.
From people who caught their partners cheating and exacted severe revenge to schools who had to use Jesus as an anti-cheating technique, here are 20 cheaters who got caught red-handed!
“Shouldn’t have played around…”

I mean, she’s given him quite a lot of ammunition for legal proceedings by admitting to all of this, but I guess it made her feel better at least?
“I though this only happened in the movies and TV shows. Someone got caught cheating.”

Maybe he might like this new look and choose to keep it? I doubt it, but you never know!
“Teacher names images of molecules on organic chem naming test as their actual names, easy 100.”

This is an ingenious way to cheat, I’ll give them that. Sure, it’s not as ingenious as sneaking in complex cheat sheets, but it’s not bad.
“When you love the smell of bacon but get a little too close to the frying pan on the stove…”

It looks like this cat’s navigation systems are temporarily fried! He doesn’t look too bothered about it, he looks more like he’s still thinking about the bacon.
“Delicious street food…”

It’s not just cats who love stealing food, gulls are amongst the worst culprits for this heinous crime as well!
“Copy the sweet parts of a card by hand to make it seem like it came from the heart!”

This man is living in the future! Of all of the life-hacks I have seen online, this is one of the most ingenious!
“An adorable attempt at blatant fraud.”

I think that this kid made a valiant effort at trying to forge their parent’s signature! This is a very accurate forgery of what it would look like if their parent signed this document with the pencil in their mouth after all.
“I think this guy might be cheating…”

Ah, the old Jack Of Hearts up the sleeve technique, classic. I mean, I don’t know why you’d sneak a jack up a sleeve as opposed to an ace, but there you go!
“University in Thailand have their students wear anti-cheat helmets while doing their exams.”

Did you manage to spot the one kid who made theirs into a crown? I hope that kid got top marks!
This Seems Like A Cop Out!

This sounds more like the person whose job it is to write the fortunes wanted an easy day at work!
“100% original copies…”

No one wants fake copies of real DVDs, people only want genuine bootlegs of real DVDs!
“My 1000 piece puzzle has a cheat code!”

I have never seen such a thing on the back of a puzzle before, but I kind of love the idea…and that’s definitely not just because I’m c**p at puzzles.
“Been divorced for a year and got this in the mail today.”

One internet sleuth posited, “Sounds like a close friend of yours has been living with a guilty conscience and is trying to hide his handwriting and thus his identity while confessing.”
“My wife’s grandmother broke up with her teenage boyfriend by telegram and kept a copy all these years.”

Looks like Two-Time Tootsie got what he deserved! Also, with a name like Two-Time Tootsie, what did this person really expect from him?
“Mustang vandalized by a jealous girlfriend or spouse…”

Yeah, that’s going to be one h**l of a bill to get all of that fixed, and one h**l of a fun time explaining what happened to the insurance company!
“Student cheating prevention, Catholic school style.”

Maybe it is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who needs to stop cheating on the exams then, if he’s looking at everyone else’s work!
“Saw this trickster on the highway today.”

The real plot twist would be if this guy actually was a cop, and this was all a devious ruse!
“My cat ripped a hole through the window screen so she could go outside.”

At the suggestion that she may have eaten her way through the screen, this cat’s owner added, “She’s not fat, I swear! Just really fluffy.”
“Classmate’s cheat sheet for this semester’s C programming final.”

“You said ‘one page of notes’?”
“Yes, but I didn’t think you’d stick loads of single pages together!”
“Well this is on you.”
“I feel cheated!”

And so you should, although it is a good excuse to eat another fortune cookie…even though it seems like it’s only me on the entire planet who actually likes the taste of fortune cookies.
Last Updated on July 13, 2021 by Paddy Clarke