Conspiracy theories and anything under the realm of politics go hand in hand. It just comes with the territory.
But this one is absolutely wild , and to be honest, doesn’t have any real evidence to back up the theory.
Nonetheless, let’s just get right into it.
Here’s the theory:

Some folks on the internet are convinced that there is a Melania look-a-like making appearances with the president of the United States, insead of the real Melania.
The rumor is spreading like wildfire. #FakeMelania started trending on Twitter over the weekend.

This isn’t the first time that there has been speculation on whether or not President Trump has a body-double of his wife that he brings with him on outings.
Despite the rumor being debunked in the past, the conspiracy has resurfaced with gusto.

Every now and again, new photos and videos of Melania, not exactly looking like herself are released, and people are noticing.
After a video of the First Lady made its rounds on Twitter, people lost it.

The countless accusations of this not being Melania Trump, but rather, her body double , started to take hold of the internet.
I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but this looks exactly like her.

I’m not really seeing any major differences between this photo of her, and any other photo of her that’s ever existed.
I mean, I could understand why there might be a reason for a “fake Melania” in the first place.
To keep up appearances, if the real Melania can’t make it for whatever reason.
But that’s still a long shot.
This person whole-heartedly believes in the fake Melania theory.
The only differences I see in these two images of her, are that in the first photo she has some harsh, unflattering shadows on her face, and in the second photo she looks smooth, airbrushed.
Some people are taking this whole conspiracy very seriously, and carefully analyzing any differences between the “real” and “fake” Melania.
They’ve pointed out that Melania’s cupid’s bow seems to look different in these two photos.
This is the definition of reaching, in my opinion.
But the whole thing has evolved into a joke that we’re all seriously appreciating.
This person compared the fake Melania to The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air — when they swapped Aunt Viv with a different actor without any explanation.
Fact-checkers have since denied that this is anyone besides the real First Lady.

There are many potential explanations as to why she may look different on certain occasions; different hairstyle, different makeup shades or techniques, sunglasses, lighting, facial expressions, and so on.
Let’s conduct a little experiment of our own. Here’s an actual proven photo of Melania:

Keep in mind, this photo was taken in February of 2017, about three years ago.
Things can change in three years.
And here’s the alleged “fake” Melania:

And despite the potato quality, I see no difference.
Any minuscule differences that people think they see are, to be candid, probably signs of aging.
Some are comparing Melania to Steven Tyler, along with side-by-side images of them wearing similar outfits.
Admittedly, there are some hilarious similarities between these two photos.
Now that it’s been pointed out, I can’t un-see it.
The tweets just keep getting funnier and funnier. People are getting really creative with this.

This person took to twitter with this photo of Melania’s face swapped out for the infamous Momo face instead.
Some that used to think the conspiracy was far-fetched are now believers.

The video and recent photos taken of Melania are really making people second guess themselves.
What do you think the truth is?
Last Updated on March 11, 2019 by Elizabeth Spina