Everyone has regrets . Doing bad stuff in the heat of the moment , and feeling lousy about it later, is all part of the human condition. These are universal experiences, and prove that we’re more similar than we are different.
That said, there are some truly wild tales about things people have done. Fortunately, this r/AskReddit discussion on the topic is a one-stop shop for all of these stories.
Wait, why do you regret this?

“After negotiating back and forth at a car dealership for a vehicle I really wanted, the car salesman said:
‘That’s our final offer. Take it or leave it.’
His ‘take it or leave it’ ultimatum and his condescending attitude made me get up and leave.”
Definitely illegal, but borderline harmless.

“Went to my old place of employment after hours, used the outdated code to enter the building and cooked food and poured myself a couple beers.
Edit: this was a year after I got fired from the place.”
We all have regrets.

“Peak pandemic after coming off a furlough, resigning from my dream company (thinking was going to be laid off) and a new taking a new job across the country and moving my family.
Could have stayed and would have avoided a layoff, kids would have kept their friends, wife and I would have kept our community. Did all of this thinking I was doing the right thing, have had such regrets.”
– u/vtfb79
Don’t be sassy next time.

I used to go to the gym and sneak into the health suite (sauna, steam room, hot tub) without paying. Got busted and had to pay on the way out. Manager was nice and said ‘look… just pay next time ok?’ I said ‘I won’t get caught next time.’
She said ‘consider your membership cancelled.'”
To be honest, that sounds like the easiest gym membership cancellation I’ve ever heard of.
Not very mature.

“Girlfriend cheated on me in high school. Girlfriend’s temporary boyfriend had a friend who keyed my car. She told me who did it and I decided the best way to handle it was to take a plunger stick and go into his job at the mall and beat him in the face with it until the stick broke. Not my proudest moment.”
Did you prove your point at least?

“I can tell about my heat of the moment of this week. My husband’s laptop had a broken charger for yearsssss. Now while I was using it, it totally broke. The laptop won’t charge anymore and he claimed I broke it… I was like.. dude this thing was broken for years we all knew this would happen one day. He still said it was my fault so I ordered 2 new laptops at 2AM while angry. One for him and one for me, I’m not sure what I was trying to prove here but I’m almost 2k poorer now.”
Babies can be frustrating.

“My oldest son was still a baby and I was a fresh teenaged dad. It was the middle of the night and he was screaming. I was sleep deprived and I was getting screamed at in my ear… and he was sick and cranky and nothing would help. I went to move him and his baby fist hit me in the eye or something… but either way, I swatted it away really fast and hard and he cried even louder. I kept rocking him and crying and holding him even after he fell asleep. I felt so bad. Almost 9 years later and I still feel awful about it.”
When you lose your girlfriend and your fan in the same night.

“Middle of summer, caught my girlfriend cheating and in the heat of the moment threw my fan at the wall, I was not only sad and alone but sad, alone aaand sweaty that fateful night.”
I don’t think they can charge you for that.

“I don’t know about ‘heat of the moment’ but when a cop asked why I thought I could go that fast down that road I (without thinking) responded ‘because I always do’ then realized what my mouth had just said without consulting my brain and proceeded to lay my head against my steer wheel forcefully in shame.”
Did it pay off in the end?

“I was being lightly scolded by my boss, and instead of rolling with it, I got p****d and told him ‘you know what, s**k [it]’ and left. I was not in a financial situation to quit at the time, and regretted my decision the entire elevator ride out of there, but looking back now its easy to say ‘worth it.'”
I did literally the exact same thing.

“Late night impulse buys. In the height of the pandemic I ending up buying a little too expensive rowing machine for my apartment thinking I was going to be all fit. Now it’s just collecting dust in a corner.”
Luckily it was just some brain damage.

“When I was in tenth grade a classmate of mine p****d on my shoes. I did not snap right then and there, but he made fun of my looks a couple minutes later. I completely lost my [cool], grabbed him by the neck and slammed his head into a steel beam. In hindsight I realize that I could have killed him or disabled him for life, but luckily he got away with a bad concussion”
I’d be more worried about it hitting someone.

“I didn’t do it but it happened near me. I was working construction one summer, and the ‘veteran’ guy working with me got into a fight with the foreman and came back to the floor we were working on all p****d off, kicking things around. We were up on the 4th floor, and windows hadn’t gone in yet. He picks up a huge level and flings it out the window, and about 5 seconds later says ‘That was mine.'”
Ted, are you out there?

“When I was about 6-7, a neighbor kid was being super annoying and I had enough and picked up a rock and threw it at him, hitting him in the head. He ran off crying. I felt bad, and this was not like me at all, as i was the quiet mousey kid who never caused problems. If Ted is reading this, I would like to officially apologize.”
When you immediately see the error of your ways.

“I was probably 10-12 hanging out with the neighborhood kids one being a few years younger. He was being annoying and wouldn’t stop so after a few minutes of constant annoyance I threw my scooter at him… hitting his head. No serious injuries but he needed a few stitches. I knew I [messed] up the instant the scooter left my hands.”
Impossible to live this one down.

“I was a teenager, I was helping my family clear out our basement, sorting old clothes and toys to donate or dispose off. Me and me and my brother are horsing around when I spot an absolutely ancient water gun. I pick it up swiping away cobwebs and what do you know water is sloshing around the reservoir, so I pump it a couple times and spray my little brother directly in his face. He screams instantly and not the fun haha you sprayed me with water scream. The water smells like mold and death, it’s left over from the last time we played with the guns which was years ago. He gets a bacterial infection in both eyes, cycles antibiotics and comes away from it whole.”
“This isn’t that crazy.”

“This isn’t that crazy, but my old company spoiled me and my new one did not. We had to buy all our own supplies without being reimbursed, which now I completely understand that’s a work from home thing, but this was new to me and I did not want to work from home to [begin] with. I was p****d off that my training documents were 60 pages long and that I had to print them without reimbursement, because I had to print like 500 pages of nonsense. I got so mad, I smashed my printer with my foot and kept smashing it and then it hurt my foot and cut me so I threw the whole printer at the wall.”
I would probably just delete my online presence entirely.

“Back in college it was the first week at a new school and I was on my computer waiting for my evening class to start. Someone asked if they could use my computer to log into their student account to see where their class was. I let them do it and had my Facebook account open in the other tab. They updated my Facebook status to something VERY racist thinking they were funny, but forgot to close out of their school account. Once I figured out what they did (thanks to a FURIOUS phone call from my mother) I used their account to drop all of the classes they signed up for.”
All’s well that ends well.

“My parents were tailors and they used to do a lot of work from home. They had really big, heavy metal scissors they used to use.
I was very young. Under 10 for sure. My older brother did something to p**s me off. I grabbed the scissor near me and threw it at him. It missed his eyes by a small fraction.
He went ballistic on why would I do something like this. 25+ years later the memory still makes me sad how close I was to seriously injuring or killing my brother.”
What did they think was going to happen?

“Told the judge, ‘Gimmie your best shot.’
10 added days for contempt of court.”
“Lol, that’s like the time my dad dared the IRS to audit him.
Spoiler alert: they took him up on that.”
Last Updated on July 15, 2022 by D