I don’t know about you, but I think things have changed tremendously in the past few years. Now we have social media that infiltrates people’s lives, and that’s not always a good thing. There is also so much marketing out there that targets even children that I find creepy as heck.
So I was quite intrigued when I recently read a Reddit thread that asked , “What’s something that’s considered normal that creeps you out immediately?” to see what other people have said. Let’s look at some of the answers together. Shall we?

“Advertising. Especially target advertising. The constant attempt to manipulate you psychologically to make you believe you need something that’s only a want. Creepy af.”
And this is what I’m talking about, okay? We can’t do anything without being targeted with marketing schemes, and I find that quite invasive.
Family Social Media Channels

“Family channels. Imagine having to live your entire life on camera, with little to no privacy without being able to consent to it. Also to my knowledge, there are no current laws that protect child influencers’ income as child actors have. If your content can’t exist without your child, it’s their job, not yours.”
I also feel a little odd about these.

“Tickling that doesn’t stop at the victim’s request.”
I think I mentioned this issue before when a mom went on TikTok to say what she wouldn’t do with her kids. This was one of her rules. She said that she never tickles her kids without their consent.
Gaps In Public Restrooms

“The huge gaps in public restroom stall doors.”
OMG, yes! I second that. It’s one of the reasons I don’t like going to public bathrooms. Like can we have some privacy, please? Do you agree with this too?
Open Door Policies

“Open door policies in families. My in-laws just walk in whenever they want and I hate it.”
Speaking of privacy, how do you feel about this? Um, no thanks. I don’t want to be that open with my in-laws, haha.
This Weird Behavior

“People making Instagrams for their babies and making captions as if the baby were writing it.”
“I’ve seen a dark documentary related to this. There are p*******e forums specifically dedicated to downloading and distributing pictures of babies and kids they stole off of public social media profiles. I’m not even talking about photos of them getting bathed or at the beach or whatever, but completely innocent ones. And if they get caught with these pictures, the worst that could come to them is copyright claims, but since parents aren’t aware of this, the pedos are facing no consequences whatsoever. So whenever I see parents posting their kids online, that’s all I can think about. Absolutely vile [expletive].”
Oh, no!
Busy Competition

“The apparent competition to appear to be the busiest person with the most stuff crammed in.”
“I notice that is the default conversation mothers have in public places. One will literally mention every single thing they have to do on the weekend, then the next lady will go through her list then the next. Like it’s some competition to have the most stuff going on. I’m a mum too but that is not my topic of choice because I don’t care to know their schedule, nor to share my schedule lol.”
This is not a good trend at all.
This Odd Behavior

“When people come to your door and knock or ring the bell and then peer in the window.”
“On the other side, I find it creepy when people have glass doors that show the entire area behind the door. When I used to deliver pizzas these doors were the worst because I don’t want to feel like I’m watching you inside your house. It feels very exhibitionist.”
I say no to the first one and no to the second.
Beauty Pageants For Kids

“Beauty pageants for young kids.”
“Yeah, it’s unnecessary and it’s weird it becomes such a self-esteem drop.”
“The good news is, they’ve been widely criticized and are quickly becoming less of a norm. Thankfully.”
I say thank God for that.
Invasion Of Privacy

“Every company creating an ecosystem requiring my home address and credit card and my birthday just to listen to some music or use some software. Not a shred of my identity is unsold at this point.”
I hear you loud and clear.
Social Media Oversharing

“People who share everything on social media.”
“Some girl from my high school had a kid, and I’ve basically watched her grow up for the last 3 years. Almost every day she posts 5+ photos of her and her kid doing whatever they did that day. It just feels weird to watch some kid I’ve never even met growing up.”
I know exactly what this person means. It’s so odd.
This Weird Statement

“When people refer to kids/babies as ‘flirting’ when they are just being playful.”
“This literally just happened to me a couple of days ago. A like, one year old, was waving at me in a store and his grandma was calling him ‘a little flirt’ [expletive] he was just being friendly. HE’S A BABY.”
This Selfie Obsession

“Instagram accounts with nothing but selfies. Hundreds and hundreds of selfies. It totally creeps me out.”
I get the whole thing about selfies. They were so popular when people just started doing them but now I find something like that so creepy.
Space Hoggers

“People standing next to or behind you when they can just wait or give you a bit more space. I hate going to airports or any other public line and trying to leave space in front of me and the person behind me just shuffles closer trying to get me to move. Trust me, you pushing me to move forwards isn’t going to make the line move any faster. It just makes it more congested and it’s weird IMO.”
I can’t stand that.
Self-Serving Charity

“When people document (video record or take a photo or write an article) themselves or other people when helping the impoverished, especially those videos of influencers on Youtube vlogging and ‘helping’ the homeless, showing their faces and stuff. BS and creepy for me. If you help, just help, no need to let others know.”
I totally agree with that. I would never post something like this on the gram.
This Couch Issue

“I think it’s weird that most couches don’t come with washable cushion covers. Everyone finds that normal, but they would think it’s weird if someone just slept on a bare mattress without ever putting a sheet on it. When in reality it’s exactly the same thing. I bought a couch with cushion covers you can take off and put in the washing machine for that reason.”
Hmm, I understand where they’re coming from that’s for sure.
This Odd Good-Bye

“‘What no hug?’ when saying goodbye to a person I’d never shown interest in touching.”
Haha! Yeah, people like that get no hug from me but get a stink eye instead. If you need to force a hug out of someone, it’s not good.
Forced Affection

“Forcing your kids to hug people. If they don’t want to hug someone goodbye — even if there’s no reason — teach them that you’re going to have their back.”
“Forced affection is so strange too in the context of also teaching children about consent and bodily autonomy. Nobody has a right to touch you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable. Go give that random stinky elderly relative you’ve never met before a goodbye hug.”
It’s weird, right?
Okay, what do you think of these?

I have to agree with what most of the people said here. I find all of these instances pretty creepy. And I have no idea why people insist on doing them. I say, just quit while you’re ahead. Am I right? No need to weird anybody else with your odd behavior, lol. But as they say, to each their own.
Last Updated on October 18, 2022 by Kasia Galifi