Many of us experience things in life that are “unbelievable” until we tell the story. There is no better place to share your weird and unique life stories than on the Internet, with complete strangers.
There’s nothing better than reading about crazy and strange things that happen to other people online, and knowing we’re also not alone in some of our own experiences in life.
This guy’s cat saved his life.
This man said he was “feeling terrible” one morning and laid down in bed. But, his cat kept jumping on him and bothering him, preventing him from sleeping. When he got up, he fell over. Turns out he was having a stroke and his cat saved his life.
The duck whisperer.

Twitter user @mimireacts was on date night at the park when he saw a guy feeding ducks in the park. The two were watching him feed them, and he said he can “talk to them, too.”
The guy yelled “woooolie” and before they knew it, hundreds of ducks came over to them. Hundreds!
That can’t be good.
This Twitter user said that as a kid, he was helping his father with work and broke his arm. The nurses thought maybe he was “hurting” his son until his father also broke his arm doing work.
Turns out, they thought maybe his mom was hurting them both.
That’s an adventure.

Twitter user @Wend24 said that she and her boyfriend caught a convict on the run together. They had heard the report on the scanner and decided to go out with their friends looking for him in the woods.
Talk about danger.
This is creepy.
One guy said in college, he dated a girl who would “turn off street lights by walking under them.” He said it was deeply unsettling every time they would walk at night because it would leave a trail of darkness.
Not going to lie, that would creep me out too.
David Bowie respects AC/DC.

Twitter user @2020tho said that during a production meeting with David Bowie, his ringtone went off. It happened to be AC/DC’s “Back in Black” and it was awkward.
So, he apologized to Bowie for it “not being one of his songs.” They all laughed. What a memory!
How scary!

Twitter user @Almondrobopanda found out that spinal fluid is lighter than blood after they had a spinal tap that didn’t heal right. Their spinal fluid was leaking into their brain and sinking onto their eyes and brain. How terrifying!
Everyone needs their sleep.
One employee said that when they worked retail, they were clocked to a shift with only four hours of difference. They had finished at 1:00 AM and they were scheduled for 5:00 AM. But, it turns out, it wasn’t a mistake it was just a huge inconvenience (and probably not legal).
Poor child.

Twitter user @cherrytreatsart said that their father treated them rather poorly as a child, so much so that he made them “dig their own grave.” They also made them spend time in there as punishment, as well.
Truly, that is traumatic.
Ouch, sounds painful.
This woman became a medical study and a scientific research paper when she found out she had a 12-pound ovarian cyst. There was even a medical study conducted about it and there is a picture of her surgeon holding it “like a basketball.”
Oh, wow!

Twitter user @cindersdesigns has a disorder where if they laugh too hard, their chest locks up and they are deprived of oxygen and they can’t breathe. They end up laughing in silence and even pass out sometimes. They have to kickstart themself.
This Twitter user has arms that “bend backward precisely like these Reddit women show.” So, she’s not the only one in the whole world who can do it, but she does say that it’s a great conversation starter to give with people.
That’s something you never forget.

One person, @houbahoubaho , said that they saw their best friend struck by lightning. They were at camp looking for a place to fish. While he’s okay, he said that he can’t get the image of the lightning “coming out of his eyes and mouth” out of his head.
This woman said that while she was on vacation in Oahu she caught a pigeon with her bare hands. To be honest, that’s a bit crazy because pigeons are usually skittish and they are hard to catch. Also, kind of gross.
Well then.
This Twitter user apparently has had a lot of people try to light them on fire, enough times that they know that they are “more burn-resistant than a normal person.”
They had been burned pretty badly by a steel bar and they were healed in a week.
Last Updated on August 30, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle