Randomly seeing a celebrity on the street one day is like spotting a unicorn. It happens more often if you live in New York or Los Angeles, but sometimes, you get lucky when you’re out on the town with your friends.
And these people got lucky! Or did they…?
1. It’s like this guy didn’t even pay attention to any of the classic Hugh Jackman behaviors!

Did he have a dreamy Australian accent? Did he have a ripped body that was not of this earth? Did he serenade you with his Broadway voice?
2. I hope Amy broke it to her dad gently that he did not actually meet Tina Fey.

I love that Amy has her dad as “Swagdalla” on her phone. Like, yes, show your parents that respect! He’s cool…besides thinking a random woman with glasses was Tina Fey, of course.
3. If Drake isn’t constantly talking about how great Toronto is and how he loves being in The 6ix, then I’m sorry to break it to you. HE AIN’T DRAKE.

Also, if he’s not shy about being on Degrassi , HE STILL AIN’T DRAKE.
4. Where do I even begin? That is 100% not Ed Sheeran. That doesn’t even remotely look like any famous ginger.

He doesn’t look like he’d even belong in the Weasley family!
5. Not every man who has red hair is Ed Sheeran!

But I do love the enthusiasm on everyone’s face. The guy on the left can’t believe he’s kind of matching with Ed Sheeran.
6. See, the real test of meeting a famous vocalist is to try and get them to sing a few bars of their own song.

Can this man serenade you with his soulful voice? What about his dance moves? PUT THESE CELEBS TO THE TEST, PEOPLE!
7. What tipped this man off that he met Reese Witherspoon? That she was blonde? Had an eyebrow piercing?

Did she even have that Southern belle charm we know that Reese has?!
8. Unfortunately, Adam C. did not meet Arya Stark, and she had to point it out to him over Twitter.

You know you’ve met Maisie Williams when she agrees to record your voicemail for you!
9. At what point do you think he stopped “feeling awesome” and thinking that this meeting was an “awesome moment”?

I kind of hope he never finds out that he met a random person.
10. Do you think they woke up the next morning and just thought, “Wait, what was I thinking? That man is not Johnny Depp?”

He looks more like Salt Bae, if I’m going to be honest.
11. The first thing you do when you meet Ryan Gosling is obviously to thank him for saving jazz.

And for always working with Emma Stone, because they are perfection together!
12. Do you think they figured it out in the end after they were sipping on their margaritas and asking for Game of Thrones spoilers?

“So, like, does Tyrion live at the end?” “Um, yeah. Sure. Sure, he does!”
13. Yup, this lucky woman definitely ran into the Scottish, blonde, 6’4″ DJ named Calvin Harris.

I hope she asked him for all the details about his relationship with pop princess Taylor Swift!
14. The fact that anybody would mistake Sarah Paulson for anyone other than herself is a travesty that I will not stand for.

She was everything in The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story .
15. This is a great photo of two really great looking people. But a photo of a fan and Usher? This photo is not that.

16. If you ever do run into Tobey Maguire, you have to ask him about his feelings on Spider-Man 3.

Specifically about when Peter Parker goes emo and starts dancing down the street.
17. If you close both of your eyes and then open one of them slightly, then I can maybe understand how this person thought they had met Bradley Cooper.

THE Bradley Cooper? With the ice blue eyes and the chiseled jawline? I think not.
18. What’s with people thinking that any random person on the street is involved with Game of Thrones?

George R.R. Martin is busy at home writing the next book! At least, that’s what he says he’s doing…
19. I think this man is lying. There is no way that he’s even watched 10 minutes of Orange is the New Black if he thinks that’s Taylor Schilling.

And if he does run into her, I hope he asks her why Piper is the worst character of all time.
20. This isn’t Bill Murray. Not even by a long shot.

This guy looks more like the guy from Twin Peaks ! WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE GETTING BILL MURRAY FROM? And if you were meeting the real Bill, wouldn’t you be happier about it?
21. I’m beginning to think that nobody actually knows what Bill Murray looks like. And that scares me.

Repeat after me: This is not Bill Murray. He looks nothing like Bill Murray. I need to go google what Bill Murray looks like.
22. I’m starting to think that people get drunk, and then think that anybody on the street is a famous person.

Sorry to break it to you, but you aren’t partying with Hank from Breaking Bad .
23. Technically, she did meet a celeb. Just not the one she thought she had.

Matt Damon, or Mark Wahlberg? Honestly, they’re basically the same guy in the end.
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Last Updated on February 11, 2021 by Diply