What would you do if a genie magically appeared to grant your deepest desire? Would you wish for money, infinite power, or something more?
Below is a compilation of 15 people sharing what they would wish for if a genie appeared. Have a look and ask yourself — what would you wish for?
“I want to eat a lot without getting fat and for it to not take a toll on my health.” – Reddit u/GlitteringTarget0
Sure this sounds great, but you’d probably be broke in less than a month after eating nothing but McDonald’s five times a day. At least, I know I would.
For true love to come home.
“I wish for The Love of my Life to get Her visa after living with Her nearly five years in Her home country and then coming back to try and build Our foundation of happiness and supposed freedom.” – Reddit u/KuriousKatze
“The world’s most comfortable pair of underwear.” – Reddit u/Off_Tangent
You don’t need a genie for this — they already exist! They’re called SAXX underwear, look them up! I promise you, you’ll never wear another pair of underwear ever again.
“A cure for insomnia and all other mental illness PLEASE.” – Reddit u/Queen-of-meme ·
As someone who suffers from acute anxiety, as well as insomnia, this is a wish that I can get behind. I can’t remember the last time I was able to sleep through the night.
“I’d wish for the courage to seek out a girlfriend: I imagine I already am perfect for more than one person, and I just need to seek out who I find as close to perfect.” – Reddit u/Shipping_Architect
“5 minutes of sleep leaves me as rested as 8 hours.” – Reddit u/jaeder42
Can you imagine what you would be able to accomplish with an extra 6-8 hours a day? That’s like adding a whole other decade to your life! I’d trade wakefulness for sleep any day of the week.
For everyone’s favorite genie to rise from the dead and make his return
“Robin Williams comes back from the dead better than ever as a real genie and delights us all with funny genie comedy stand-up for eternity.” – Reddit u/fergusonwallace
For all the pain and inequality in the world to instantly vanish.
“A world without discrimination, wide rich/poor gap, and hate, where one could actually get everything they wanted if they worked hard.” – Reddit u/want_nugget
OK, I think I know what I’m wishing for now.
“I wish for a burger from this this pub that used to be a block from my campus but closed like 5 years ago.” – Reddit u/Relative-Zombie-3932
I can totally relate. When I was a teenager, the band I toured in was playing a show in New Brunswick and we stopped for burgers at a place called Churchill’s Pub. To this day, I’ve yet to taste one that even compares.
“The ability to control reality at will.” – Reddit u/Ralife55
Controlling reality at will would be quite the feat. Does that mean that you can also teleport? I’d use that all the time to instantly transport myself to a new tropical island paradise.
When you’ve got it down to a science.
“1: I wish for a robust public transit system in every urban and suburban area of the world 2: I wish for high speed[sic] rail system connecting all major cities of the world 3: I wish for all public colleges to have zero tuition costs.” – Reddit u/operativehog
“I’d wish to have my older brother back.” – Reddit u/aragoob
The loss of a family member takes an incalculable emotional toll on a family. What I wouldn’t give to be able to see my grandfather again for just a few precious minutes; I’d trade my weight in gold.
An infinite supply of money to buy gifts for others.
“A debit card that never runs out of money but I can only use it to buy gifts for other people. I love giving gifts but I don’t want to be corrupted by having lots of money.” – Reddit u/bridgewoodcountypd
“To take all pain away from my wife, I hate seeing her suffer with her leg/back pain.” – Reddit u/tom_w16117
Watching someone you love suffer is unbearable — especially when there’s nothing you can physically do to take that pain away. No one should be made to go through life in this manner.
A cure for cancer.
My father is a cancer survivor and my stepmother has been living with leukemia for nearly 20 years. Knowing what they’ve had to endure breaks my heart, and I wish for nothing more than for this deadly disease to finally be eradicated.
h/t: Reddit
Last Updated on October 7, 2021 by Jordan Claes