Food is the one thing everyone needs, but goes about in different ways. From ingredient availability to preferences, the way one person enjoys a dish is going to be a lot different from the next person.
And yet, some people can’t help but be angry over the unpopular food opinions of others. But these Redditors didn’t care about the controversy , and shared their opinions anyway.
“Sushi rolls shouldn’t be so big you have to take more than one bite or else they disintegrate.” – lolfuzzy

Sushi is great in all forms, but I definitely see where this user is going with this one. Big sushi pieces are hard to eat!
“I love beets because they taste like how dirt smells.” – mawry9mayhem

“And it’s the good dirt, too. The kind you bought for your garden. Not that stuff by sidewalk the kids play on,” another user added.
I can smell it now and it’s just making me want some beets.
“Cupcakes with super thick and ornate frosting are fun to look at but rarely tasty.” – yungScooter30

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that, if a cake or cupcake has a lot of decorations/frosting on it, it probably doesn’t taste very good.
“Sticking to the traditional authentic versions of foods is not necessarily better. It’s ok to be creative in cooking and mix things from different cuisines.” – alishaok

This just makes me think about Americanized pizzas (including Hawaiian, which we need to stop pretending is bad).
“Portion size is more important than restrictions when dieting for a lot of people.” – quietcopse

There’s a lot of science showing that restricting the things you love will backfire in the end . Weight loss is more about portion control than cutting sugary foods out of your diet.
“Muffins are just cake disguised as breakfast food.” – CoolPotatoTomato

Okay, that may be technically true… but who says you can’t have a muffin every now and then? Yes, they’re actually way less healthy than they seem. But don’t worry about it.
“Just because you like [spicy] food, doesn’t mean you have to use the absolute hottest sauce you have.” – SH4GGYPILE

“I can handle hot, but prefer medium, where I can enjoy the heat but still actually t******y foods flavour.”
“Why are French fries not suitable for breakfast but tater tots are?” – 1heart1totaleclipse

“I should be able to eat whatever I want for breakfast even if it’s not typically a breakfast food because it’s still mostly the same.”
I mean, technically no one is going to stop you.
“Breakfast is an “anytime” kind of food. It doesn’t have to be restricted to 5 AM – 1030 AM.” – Overdose08

“Sometimes I like bacon, eggs, hash browns and strawberry vanilla crepes at 8:47 PM.”
When the mood strikes, breakfast for dinner is elite.
“I love to eat lemons the way that most people eat oranges.” – discountFleshVessel

“People act like that’s crazy, but it’s normal to eat citrus and normal to enjoy sour candy, so why not also eat a sour citrus?”
They… have a point, there.
“Tall burgers that you can’t even take a bite out of s**k and shouldn’t exist.” – Swag_Turtle

Any burger you have to eat with a knife and fork can’t really be considered a burger, can it?
“Boneless wings are not wings at all. They are just Chicken nuggets with sauce on them.” – Cmonster9

That said, boneless “wings” are… actually better. No bone to work around. And they’re usually more bang for your buck at that.
“I honestly don’t think rice belongs inside a burrito. Get the carbs from the tortilla and any veggies. Rice is just a useless filler to make the burrito seems fuller than it really is.” – Ambitious-Search-843

It may be redundant, but it’s still good.
“Vanilla is the best flavor of ice cream.” – Austiniuliano

I’m actually not even sure if this is controversial, because a shocking number of Reddit users agreed with it.
“I will die on this hill with you,” one user commented.
“Syrup can go well with spicier and tender food, for example chicken sandwich…” – kakashicock

As a lot of commenters pointed out, this is just the concept of chicken and waffles. Which, by the way, doesn’t seem like it should work, but does…
“Mayo on fries. Never realized how controversial it was until I moved to the States.” – TheMountaineer8

I don’t know who needed to hear this today, but it’s okay to dip your fries in something that isn’t ketchup. I promise.
“I like candy corn… there… I said it.” – chadusan

Candy corn is probably the most controversial candy in the world. Anyone who’s had it either loves it or hates it. There’s literally no in between.
“Hershey’s chocolate is the main reason Europeans say American chocolate is bad. The most iconic brand tastes like vomit.” – ayyycab

I can confidently say I’ve never had a Hershey’s chocolate bar… but their chocolate chips aren’t really that bad.
“Bananas do NOT go in fruit salad! The texture does not match the rest of the fruit, and the mush ruins it.” – rangacurls

This opinion was surprisingly controversial, with a lot of commenters sharing their own takes.
“Fruit salads vary so much,” one commenter said. “If it’s just a mixed bowl of fruit, agreed, but I’ve had a lot of fruit salads with sauce (southern us) in which bananas are my favorite part!”
“Brussel sprouts are delicious.” – Sandfleas1

Any veggie can be really good if cooked properly (in other words, not boiled).
Another commenter added, “They’ve also become less bitter over the last 10-20 years from selective breeding. It’s literally a different flavour than when you were a kid (probably, depending how old you are).”
Last Updated on October 4, 2022 by Ashley Hunte