What is your favorite summer flower? Mine has to be the sunflower by a long shot. It’s so sunny and cheery, and I absolutely love it.
What if I told you you can now grow a massive sunflower forest right in your backyard? Oh, yes you heard me right. There are special types of sunflowers that grow extra tall and will surely make your whole backyard stand out.
These massive sunflowers are actually a mix of seeds known as sunforest mix that grow to much larger proportions than regular sunflowers.

And because of that, you can create a forest right in your own backyard. I bet your kids will love playing in it.
You’ll wow all your neighbors with the size of these babies.
Their blooms are large at least one-foot across, and the stalks are tall between 10-15 feet tall. If that doesn’t impress people I dunno what will, ha, ha! I gotta admit it would impress me.
It’s would be easy to create a big block in the backyard.

You can do so by leaving three or four-foot wide pathways leading to the play area in the middle of the sunflower forest. Doesn’t that sound awesome?
How do you grow these amazing and pretty sunflowers you ask?

Well, it’s pretty easy. They can be grown from seed sown directly in the garden after a frost. Make sure you keep in mind that they need well-draining soil to flourish.
Can you imagine the countless hours your kids could spend in surrounded by this natural beauty?

I bet they won’t come up for air for hours, lol. And that’s pretty good news for parents out there. They can finally get some work done in the kids’ absence.
You’ll also need to make sure the sunflowers are able to face the sun.
So the area you pick to plant them should be in the center of your garden. Once you plant them, the seedlings will emerge in seven-10 days.
It’s also very important to keep the weeds under control during the sunflower’s growing season.

They will compete with the plants for water and this could slow the growth progress of your gorgeous sunflowers. You can use some mulch to keep weeds at bay.
Depending on what type of seed you get some plants will only produce one bloom.

Therefore, once the bloom is spent, the plant may be removed. Usually, you won’t need fertilizer unless you have poor soil quality. Once established, the flowers can tolerate drought.
OMG, I’m obsessed with these huge sunflowers. Are you?
I really need to plant them in my garden one day. I honestly can’t wait until that day comes. It will be so beautiful and breathtaking to just sit there and relax amongst all of them.
Last Updated on August 14, 2020 by Kasia Galifi