There are some combinations that you just can’t go wrong with. Peanut butter and jelly, Oreos and milk, avocado and toast — and, of course, Paul Rudd and literally any movie ever.
When that movie is a beloved comedy franchise being rebooted by the son of the original director? Even better.
Paul Rudd has just confirmed that he’s been cast in the upcoming ‘Ghostbusters 2020’.

In a video posted to the official Ghostbusters Twitter, the camera lingers on the famous home base for the ghost hunting team for a few seconds before Rudd’s unmistakable voice is heard from behind the camera. “You see this?” He asks.
“This is what happens.”

“Every day people coming and taking pictures of this magnificent building.” Rudd then steps out into frame and begins to explain his casting process.
“My agent asked them, ‘who ya gonna call?'”

“When I heard they were going to call me, well, as you can imagine, I nearly slimed myself. I can’t wait to join the cast this fall for Ghostbusters. “
“In fact, I’m sliming myself right now.”
Sources tell Variety that Rudd will play a teacher in the film.
How excited are you?! Watch the announcement video above and let us know who you’re gonna call.
Last Updated on June 27, 2019 by Rae Batchelor