2020 has not been easy for anyone. In fact, there have been a lot of people who have been struggling as the year has progressed. Between a global pandemic, a struggling economy, and many of us trying to stay sane — it’s been rough out here. Add some toddlers and kids into the mix and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster. Parents out there, we’re trying our best, but many of us have been having some pretty epic fails.
This mom who burnt her kid’s whole quesadilla.
It’s one thing to leave the quesadilla on the grill for a few minutes to get the outside shell nice and crispy, but this one is a whole hot mess with cheese that can cut through a brick wall.
This dad who forgot a pizza pan in the oven.
Sometimes, putting a pan under your pizza is key to making sure the entire pizza doesn’t fall through the oven grates like this… yikes. Dinner is totally takeout tonight.
This dad who made a mess of the face painting set.
Face painting kits can be fun to use, but this dad seems to have a bit of an awkward hand with his artistic abilities. This looks like a hot mess, dad!
This dad who put too much air in the basketball. [
Pumping air into your kids’ toys seems like it’ll be easy with an air pump. But, sometimes you put too much air into a ball and before you know it, it pops.
This mom who made dinner for her whole family and then dropped the entire thing.
When you spend the entire night slaving over the oven trying to make a special meal for your family, seeing it get ruined is truly heartbreaking. This one is painful!
This dad who doesn’t understand diaper cream.
We love dads who step up and get their hands dirty with their little ones. But, this one used way too much diaper rash cream on his poor kiddo.
This mom who attempted homemade pancakes.
Making homemade pancakes seems like a wonderful idea and delicious. But, flipping them around in the pan does get a bit hard at times. This one didn’t make it out too well.
This dad who totally forgot about the toast.
Everyone messes up toast every once in a while. This dad seems to have put the toaster on extremely high and just sais, “YOLO!” I guess this is good for anyone who likes their toast well-done?
This mom who messed up the entire white wash with one red item.
One red item in the white wash turns the whole washing machine load pink, we know this. Unfortunately, this mom ruined all these whites. Hope the kids love pink!
This mom who savagery destroyed her ramen.
Honestly, I’ve lived my whole life knowing ramen was the easiest thing to cook. But, this mom messed up enough to burn the whole ramen bag. Yikes!
This mom who went to buy watermelon and then dropped it two seconds later.
Everyone gets cravings. But, when you finally get what you want, dropping it right in front of your eyes seconds later is the absolute worst feeling in the entire world.
This dad who said, “nope, let’s get take out.”
I said medium-well, not burnt to a crisp, dad! At least he knows that dinner tonight will be takeout and more takeout. Nice try, though!
This dad who accidentally cooked his daughter’s Elsa doll.
Hiding your kid’s toys in the oven is all good and fun until you turn the oven on to preheat it and you end up cooking the doll so much its face is sunken in. It’s time to hide the evidence and buy your kid a new doll.
This mom who messed up her kid’s quarantine haircut.
Everyone tried to give themselves and their kids haircuts during the pandemic. But, this mom went a little too far with the buzzers. A buzzcut is in this kid’s near future.
Last Updated on August 24, 2020 by Lex Gabrielle