‘Octomom’, Nadya Suleman, has been denying rumors that she had plastic surgery done to make herself look like Angelina Jolie since she entered the limelight back in 2009 — and now, 10 years later, she’s had about enough .
Nadya earned her nickname, “Octomom”, when she gave birth to octuplets in 2009.

Her pregnancy and the birth of her children was an anomaly — people could not get enough of her story!
And while fans were certainly fascinated with the fact that she managed to grow eight babies inside of her at once, it was often mentioned that she resembled Angelina Jolie, to some extent.

Which, arguably, she does.
But one thing led to another, and before we knew it, Nadya was engulfed in rumors that she intentionally went under the knife with the goal of looking like Angelina Jolie.

There wasn’t any proof that she had ever had plastic surgery, or that she was even a fan of Angelina Jolie — this was all just speculation.
But the accusations didn’t waver for an entire decade, so Nadya thought it was time to speak her truth and set the record straight.

She posted on Instagram a throwback photo of herself, from what appears to be, the era before digital photography existed, proving that she has always looked the same .
“The fake tabloid media fed the public many deceptions, for many years,” she captioned the photo.

“Shameful that after one decade people still believe the sensationalized stories the opportunistic media made up.”
“One of the fabricated tales the trashy tabloids told was how I had plastic surgery to look like an actress named Angelina Jolie,” she went on.

“After laughing this lie off for so long, it’s time to set the record straight (a whole decade later)”.
“I NEVER had plastic surgery to look like ANYONE else, let alone some “celebrity“ I could care less about.”

“I am proud of my mixed, ethnic background and would not want to look like or be like anyone other than myself,” she wrote.
“Truth is, more often than not, ‘celebrities’ have more insecurities and are more broken than people not in the public eye,” she explained.

“They just have more money to conceal their brokenness (of course the inordinate pressure from “Hollywood” doesn’t help their confidence)”.
“The above picture is of me and my friend Veronica taken in 2003, 3 WEEKS after having my third child JJ, and 3 months before breast implants (which I regret),” she said, referencing the photo she posted.

“I was 100% natural, (today I’m 90%),” she went on.
“This was also around the time I was approached by a modeling scout; one of multiple times in my lifetime, from a real modeling agency, years before the social media Instagram began lol.”

“Politely, I waited until he left before tossing his card into the trash,” she wrote.
“Becoming a mom was always in my heart, my calling, not modeling,” she said.

“The media had one hidden agenda: to ignite as much intense hate towards me, for as long as possible.”
“This particular untruth added fuel to the fire of hate.”

The crazier I appeared, and the more of your “tax payers dollars” I supposedly stole to waste on ‘plastic surgery,'” she added.
“The more intensely I would be hated; and in turn, the more it would line the tabloid media’s parasitic pockets,” she said.

“Truth is, I have had THREE and a half…yes, only THREE (and a half) cosmetic procedures done in my life.”
She then explained that in a subsequent post, she would write exactly which three and a half cosmetic procedures she has had done in her lifetime.

She wrapped up her post with the hashtags: “#MediaHijackedMyLife” and “#TimeToTakeMyLifeBack”.
So, there you have it. Octomom has never had plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie.

Do you think that she is telling the truth? Is it possible that she just sorta looks like Angelina Jolie naturally and so the tabloids took advantage of that?
Last Updated on April 22, 2019 by Elizabeth Spina