When a woman found an abandoned cat, she tried to reunite it with its owners. But when she contacted the owners, she was met with no response. She decided to ask around the community for help and eventually found out that the owners had moved just a mile away. But when she messaged the owners again, she was cursed out. The woman then posted screenshots of the exchange on a public page, hoping to shame the owners into taking responsibility for their pet. However, this only led to more angry messages from the owners. While the woman may have been trying to help, her public shaming may have crossed a line. Was she in the wrong? You be the judge.
Cute cat next door, but can’t keep it.

Stray cat’s sad state prompts action from kind neighbor

Good samaritan rescues lost cat from neglectful neighbor

Cat found, owners ghosted. Social media saves the day

Man searches for lost cat, uncovers neighbor’s dirty secret

Cat abandoned by neighbor, community Facebook page used for justice

The abandoned cat’s former owner moves just a mile away

Public shaming with the help of social media.

Neighbor tries to silence shame post, doesn’t want accountability

Neighbor’s r**e response to abandoned cat sparks outrage

Publicly shaming neighbor for abandoning cat, screenshotting message as proof

Lost cat found, but owner’s reaction is shocking

Neighbors confirm cat-abandoner’s identity ️

Abandoned kitty needs a loving home, can you help? ❤️

Flea treatment brings abandoned cat closer to a new home

Cat abandoned, public shaming leads to costly vet bills

Unwelcoming neighbor harasses renter for exposing animal cruelty

Publicly shaming a neighbor for abandoning their cat

Trying to help a cat, met with crazy s**t

Twitter justice or going too far? You decide.

Neighbors abandon their cat and react poorly to being shamed
A heart-wrenching story about a neglected cat and the struggle to reunite him with his owners turns into a public shaming debacle. The story begins with a kind neighbor taking in a malnourished cat in need of veterinary attention. Despite the neighbor’s best efforts to reunite the cat with his owners, he is met with radio silence. After reaching out to the community, the neighbor discovers that the family had moved just a mile away. However, when the neighbor confronts them about the cat’s condition, they react with hostility and vulgar language, prompting the neighbor to publicly shame them on social media. The situation quickly escalates, with the family accusing the neighbor of starting trouble in a long-standing community. While some may consider the public shaming to be petty, others may argue that it was a necessary step to hold the family accountable for their neglectful behavior. Join the discussion and decide for yourself: AITA for publicly shaming the family?
Publicly shaming neighbors who abandon their pets is justified. NTA

Report abandonment of pets to local humane society for cruelty.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e500e8b0-8bbc-4994-be89-f2a9c2c8eb22.png)
Neighbor tries to avoid being named ‘by law’, NTA saves cat

Abandoned cat deserved better. Microchip not an excuse.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/068a1906-deba-4d41-80f8-be76ba117892.png)
NTA – Public shaming is appropriate. Dad’s comment is bonkers.

Report animal neglect/abandonment to local authorities, sue for costs incurred
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2b8a4ee8-4136-4abe-b9a3-589eedba5c8a.png)
Good point about potential legal claim if neighbor pays costs.

Thank you for being a hero for the abandoned kitty

Concerned about the cat? He’s safe and sound!

Neighbor abandons cat and refuses to take responsibility, deserves shame

Publicly shaming a pet abandoner – NTA strikes again

Calling out entitled animal abusers

Empathetic comment receives no replies.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a149cfc1-ad32-4aa6-8b55-a0cf8f2ffa50.png)
No bragging allowed! Let’s keep it real

Caring for abandoned pets is admirable, NTA!

Shame on the neighbor! NTA for calling them out

Public shaming for a just cause is NTA

Agreeing with comment, justice served

Publicly shaming a neighbor who abandoned their cat. NTA wins.

No legal trouble for publicly shaming negligent neighbor

Public shaming for abandoning pets is justified. #NTA

Public shaming for animal abandonment praised as heroic!

Public shaming for NTA who hilariously handled abandoned cat situation

Great tip for finding the abandoned cat a new home

Commenter questions if shaming neighbor was justified

Shame on you! NTA says it all.

NTA exposes neighbor’s true character after cat abandonment

A Wall of Shame app to shame animal-abandoners?

Publicly shaming pet abandoners: fair or too extreme?

Gen Z calling out irresponsible behavior with no fear

Owner gets publicly shamed for abandoning their cat

Rescuer receives deserved praise for saving abandoned cat

Shaming neighbor without full context an ego thing according to commenter

Rescuing a pet is a noble act

Neighbor praised for not being an a**hole about abandoned cat

Shame on the neighbor for abandoning the cat

Agree! Abandoning pets is cruel. Shame on them

Defending animal rights and shaming animal abusers

NTA, publicly shaming animal neglect and getting justice

Stand up against abuse. NTA

Rescued cat, dogs unimpressed. Redditors agree: NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a52f3b9a-18c0-4d9a-b9fd-4a96acd3d46e.png)
Publicly shaming pet abandoners: NTA and a hero

Standing up for what’s right can be costly.

You went above and beyond for the abandoned pet

Heartbreaking abandonment of a pet. NTA calls out lazy owner.

Unapologetic poster finds humor in neighbor’s public shaming.

Internet hero drags neighbor for abandoning cat. NTA

OP is a BDH for rescuing and shaming cat abandoners.

Deserving public shaming for abandoning a cat. Notify animal shelter.

Rescuing abandoned pets is admirable. Publicly shaming owners is justified.

Abandoning pets is not okay Public shaming justified?

Cat tax paid in full

Commenter exposes neighbor for abandoning cat, defends renting lifestyle

Don’t want to be outed as an animal abuser? Don’t abuse animals

Rescuing abandoned cat and shaming previous owner, NTA wins

Taking in abandoned cat was right, but public shaming unnecessary
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e166db7f-9b60-4c0d-be6d-933a7e27b070.png)
Don’t be a cat-astrophic neighbor. NTA reminds the law!

Dumping a cat is unforgivable NTA for shaming them.

Ignoring a cat problem leads to public shaming and threats

Commenter requests a photo of the cat with ‘Kitty tax’
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/77604544-429e-49aa-b9c4-151d78e3b76a.png)
Commenter not in the wrong, no replies yet

Public shaming may be necessary to stop scummy behavior

Publicly shaming neighbor for animal neglect.

Publicly shaming a neighbor for abandoning a cat: justified?

Not the a**hole! The neighbor’s behavior is unacceptable.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/78f1043b-3760-4047-8a21-cb67560750f0.png)
Not the a**hole, and it seems like others agree.

Publicly shaming animal abusers is always justified

Publicly shaming a neighbor for abandoning a cat

Caring for strays is expensive, but OP is NTA

Commenter wishes karma on abandoned cat’s owner

Rescuing a cat and avoiding a cat fight

Don’t be an animal abandoner NTA takes a stand

Public shaming can be an effective way to prevent animal abuse.

Last Updated on April 18, 2023 by Diply Social Team