Is knowledge power or is ignorance bliss? Well, in this particular situation, I’d argue that not knowing what something is is way worse than knowing, because that leaves far too much room for crazy, fear-inspiring speculations that no one can confidently disprove.
And if even the experts are baffled, you know you’re in trouble.
But sometimes even the most confusing phenomenons can result in the most hilarious speculations.
Kansas City locals were recently treated to a pretty unusual sight in the sky.

According to HuffPost , a series of bizarre, glowing orbs floating over the city left many people spooked, wondering just what exactly they were witnessing so high above their heads.
In an effort to get some answers, many turned to their local news station, KMBC.
However, as explained in a tweet from the outlet, they actually didn’t have any explanation at all for this mysterious glowing blobs, despite the people who called their newsroom in hopes of getting some real answers. KMBC also shared several photos of the orbs, adding even more fire to this already super hot mystery.
Some witnesses speculated that these “orbs” were in fact weather balloons, courtesy of the local weather service.
This would definitely explain why these glowing things were floating so high up in the sky. However, the Kansas City National Weather Service were pretty transparent about their knowledge of the balloons and tweeted that they’re actually just as baffled by them as everyone else.
So you know it’s bad when even the experts don’t have any answers.
In response to this tweet, many people decided to chime in with their speculations as to what exactly those “orbs” really are.
And, no surprise, the most popular guess was aliens. Because there’s no better way to explain the inexplicable than just by pointing to the stars and hoping aliens really do come in peace.
Even the professionals got in on the fun and used the alien gossip to spread awareness for fire safety.
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission hopped onto the alien bandwagon with this hilarious picture of smoke alarms ascending into space, poking fun at the “orbs” while also reminding everyone to replace their alarm batteries.
Another person shared a picture of Kate McKinnon’s character, Ms. Rafferty, from the Close Encounter sketches on “Saturday Night Live.”
If you’ve never seen these sketches, stop what you’re doing right now and watch one on YouTube . But if you have seen one before, you’ll know this woman is particularly adept at finding herself in some pretty awkward alien-related situations, somehow always ending up with the raw end of end of the stick.
Like, for instance, that time when little grey aliens abducted her from earth, took turns slapping her “knockers”, and then dropped her back down on the roof of a Long John Silvers without her pants. Not such an elegant alien contact story.
But unfortunately, the real explanation for this mysterious “orbs” has nothing to do with aliens at all.
As it turns out, they were likely just one of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) balloons taking a test flight.
But still, for a little while there it really seemed like aliens were among us, even if it just turned out to be a balloon going for a little joyride in the friendly skies.
h/t: HuffPost
Last Updated on June 22, 2019 by Caitlyn Clancey