Do you ever come across random tweets by celebrities that make your eyes bug out because they’ve just thrown the most epic shade?
Us, too! Whenever we see a celeb get their claws out on social media, we tend to go grab a mug to get ready for all the tea that’s getting spilled.
1. When it was a little sssuspicious that Kim K. was celebrating National Snake Day, because who celebrates National Snake Day?!

Kim Kardashian is basically the reason that all of her fans started spamming Taylor Swift’s social media with snake emojis.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Kim marked this day on her calendar just so she could tweet this.
2. How Hilary Clinton won the election with these three small words that were way too late.

That is, if the election was to determine the baddest b***h in town. Then? Hilary, always and forever.
3. When Chrissy Teigen opened a can of WhoopSass while at the same time doling out some solid parenting advice.

Do not ever come for Chrissy on Twitter. She will chew you up, spit you out, and stomp on you with her six-inch heels that she has walked in all day.
4. When Zayn’s pretty clear reason as to why he left One Direction just killed every fangirl in the world. Quick! If you clap your hands and say, “I believe in fangirls,” they’ll come back to life!

?I?Believe?In?fangirls!? Did it work?
5. When Cole gave us graphic insight into the life and times of Dylan Sprouse.

Literally any time that Cole tweets at his twin brother, Dylan, it is going to be loaded with so much shade you’ll need a sweater.
6. When Dylan got real about how we all compare him to the most beautiful Sprouse that ever did walk this earth: Cole. Oh, no. I did it, too, didn’t I?

Dylan has the ability to slay Cole with his tweets, but sometimes you just have to poke fun at yourself.
7. When Bette Midler indirectly told Kim K. to put on clothes like the sassy mom that she is.

If Bette had anything to say about how I carried myself, I would sit down and take notes.
8. And when Kim Kardashian clapped back at Bette like the misbehaving daughter that she is.

She says #JustKidding, but if I know Bette Midler (and I think I do), I wouldn’t be surprised if she sent nudes just for the h**l of it.
9. When Kelly Clarkson was here to remind you that she clearly reigned supreme over Justin Guarini. #ByeFelicia

If you’re saying, “Who?” then you obvi didn’t watch the very first season of American Idol where America did, in fact, choose correctly in crowning Kelly Clarkson as number one.
10. When Jessica Biel made us spit out our pumpkin spice lattes and check our basic selves.

Who admits that they’re a Miranda? You’re either a Carrie, a Samantha, a Charlotte, or bust! Even Stanford comes before Miranda. Heck, even Magda comes before Miranda.
11. When Katy Perry pretty much confirmed that the only time we’re getting a Perry/Swift duet is when h**l freezes over.

I truly cannot see T-Swift sending Katy some flowers congratulating her on the song “Swish Swish” and asking if they can be BFFs again. Maybe on Opposite Day…maybe.
12. When the smiling emojis made this tweet by Nicki Minaj seem sweet, but her savage tone made it most definitely, absolutely 100% not at all friendly.

This came after Nicki’s music video for “Anaconda” did not get an MTV VMA nomination for Video of the Year despite being literal fire.
13. When I’d put money on Calvin Harris wishing he could just crumple up this old receipt and throw it away.

Calvin has since deleted this shade directed at his ex, Taylor Swift, but unfortunately, Twitter is the master keeper of all receipts. Post it, and consider it CTRL+S for life, bud.
14. When Drake Bell wasn’t invited to former costar Josh Peck’s wedding he decided to tweet about it. Obvi.

You could hear the sound of our collective hearts breaking when Drake called off the friendship in this since-deleted tweet. But then a second passed, and it turns out that we’re fine.
15. When Ryan Reynolds showed love for his family as well as his true colors.

As we all know, he’s much too pretty to risk a single strand of that glorious main. Looks like he’s got his priorities straight, alright!
16. When 50 Cent realized just how famous he is and how he’s not gonna take it anymore.

Although knowing him, I might be more afraid of what his grandma would do for disobeying.
17. When Billy Eichner was pretty much the only person on Twitter defending Blake Shelton’s big win as “Sexiest Man Alive.”

In true “Billy On The Street” fashion, Eichner will put anyone and everyone on blast who doesn’t agree with him.
18. When Madonna uploaded her angry face selfie to show how frustrating dealing with deliveries can be.

Sure, I don’t know if I’d believe it was Madonna at first, too, but give the lady a break!
19. When James Blunt clapped back at a user rather than throwing shade at himself for a change.

It’s true, Blunt is often just as harsh on himself as any critic of his, so just leave the roasting of James Blunt to James Blunt.
20. When Parks And Recreation was releasing its final season and Aubrey Plaza roasted Jerry one more time.

Of course, Entertainment Weekly is just as guilty for playing into the “Jerry is the worst” mentality of the show, but in true April Ludgate fashion, Plaza couldn’t hold back.
21. When Pink threw all the shade at her past peers, Spears and Aguilera.

Yeah, this was from quite a while ago now, but man if it isn’t totally savage. If someone called her out on being harsh, you know she’d just say, “So What?”
22. When Cole Sprouse was not afraid to come for his own show, and that, my friends, is an amazing example of job security.

Cole may have since deleted this tweet about his critique of Riverdale’s new poster, but the savage had been done.
23. And when Chris Pratt came out hard and strong against a product that’s been overlooked for too long!

I’m pretty sure this is about as savage as Pratt gets, which isn’t very savage, but he makes a good point!
24. John Cleese is basically telling Piers Morgan, “I’m just not that into you.”

These tweets have officially made us all run out of “Oh, snap!”
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Last Updated on December 18, 2020 by Diply