Montana hunter, Amber Rose Barnes, has recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. Barnes claimed to have shot a wolf during a hunting trip, but it was later revealed to be a domesticated husky. Despite the outrage and anger caused by her actions worldwide, Barnes has received a light sentence for animal cruelty, leaving many wondering if justice has indeed been served.
No Hunting For 6 Months

Barnes has been issued a six-month deferred sentence for pleading no contest to misdemeanor animal cruelty.
Online Hunting Safety Class
She also has to complete an online safety class and is prohibited from using her rifles during this time.
The Background
Barnes boasted about killing the husky on social media and claimed it was a wild wolf. She was charged with animal cruelty in October 2022.
What Did She Actually Say?
She wrote, “So this morning I set out for a solo predator hunt for a fall black bear; however, I got the opportunity to take another predator wolf pup 2022 was a great feeling to text my man and say I just smoked a wolf pup.”
Barnes’ Defense
Barnes claimed that the husky showed aggressive behavior, and she acted in self-defense.
Why Wasn’t Barnes Charged With A Heavy Sentence?

She wasn’t charged with a hunting violation, as the incident didn’t involve an animal under the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Park’s jurisdiction.
The Public Outage
Barnes’ actions have sparked public outrage, with many people expressing their anger and disgust on social media .
The Husky Pup Was Abandoned
The husky killed in this incident was one of a nearly dozen Husky pups abandoned in the woods, most of which had parvovirus – an often fatal dog disease.
What Is Parvovirus?
Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that affects dogs and can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms and even death.
Did Barnes Have A Valid Hunting License?
Barnes had a valid hunting license at the time of the incident. The license makes wolf hunting legal, and an individual can legally kill or trap twenty wolves in a season.
What Is Barnes’ Boyfriend Saying?
Frank Tallent, Barnes’ boyfriend, defended her by calling it a mistake and claimed that Barnes didn’t know this dog was a pet.
Is There A Room For Making Amends?

Barnes can now turn the page by meeting her sentence and making amends by advocating for animal rights and preventing animal cruelty.
What Are Husky Advocacy Groups Saying?
Husky advocacy groups have condemned Barnes’ actions and are calling for stricter penalties for animal cruelty cases.
Should There Be A Change In Animal Cruelty Laws?

Animal cruelty laws vary from state to state. Some states have stricter penalties than others. Several activists in Montana are demanding more uniform and stringent animal cruelty laws over the state.
Impact On Hunting Community
Barnes’ actions have a negative impact on the hunting community, as they give hunting a bad name.
How Is Twitter Reacting?
There are countless tweets worldwide, not only condemning Barnes’ actions but also pointing out logical flaws in her defense.
Impact On Husky Owners

Barne’s actions have significantly impacted husky owners, who are outraged and saddened by the loss of an innocent pet. Many have shared their experiences with their beloved huskies, highlighting the need for stronger protection of domesticated and wild animals.
Lessons Learned From Barnes’ Case
The Barnes’ ordeal is a wake-up call to strengthen the implementation of stricter animal cruelty laws and spread awareness. Additionally, it underscores the impact of social media in exposing and bringing justice to those who inflict harm on voiceless creatures.
The Future Of Animal Welfare

Barnes’ case brings to light the ongoing issues of animal welfare and the need for continued efforts to protect and care for animals. There is now a worldwide trend sparking on social media where people are spreading awareness about animal rights.
Last Updated on March 1, 2023 by Dani Sanders