Many times when parents find out they’re having a baby, they want to begin decorating the nursery and plan for their little one. Sometimes, they look to sites like Pinterest and Instagram for “nursery inspo” from other parents.
While the pictures we see online are adorable, they are not always practical.

Some of the styles and designs of nurseries online are not the most practical as some have things hanging and dangerous designs that can be harmful to babies.
Recently, one mom opened up about her regretful decision to hang pictures over her baby’s crib.

Sharing her story on popular mom thread “Mumsnet,” she said:
“When my mum pointed out maybe I shouldn’t have frames above my [baby’s] cot I just thought of all the Instagram nursery inspo pictures I’d seen and thought that she was being irrational. She wasn’t.”
The mom said overnight, the pictures fell off the wall into the crib.

“At some point last night/this morning my toddler either pulled down a print, or it fell down. We woke up this morning to screaming from the baby monitor,” she said.
When they went into the room, it was not a pretty scene.

“…pulled the covers back to find broken glass everywhere, the frame and blood on the mattress and cuts to 4 fingers on one hand, 2 on the other, the palms of the hands, cheeks, belly,” she continued.
The mom said she had been “crying all day.”

She told other parents to “learn from her mistakes,” as she feels like “the worst mum in the world.”
Some people online said they specifically don’t put pictures “above heads.”

“I have always had glass framed pics in my house but my kids are aged 9 to 14. I can’t say I’ve ever considered them being dangerous (past the stage I’m putting them up as I always use strong and stable fixings so they can’t move easily) but I did make sure they weren’t over heads or over beds etc,” one person said.
Another said navigating new babies is a “minefield.”

“There are so many safety issues that just never cross your mind until you have a child, and maybe not even then — you simply can’t get it right all the time. It’s a minefield. And so much harder to get right when you see this kind of thing looking lovely on Pinterest,” one person added.
Others said that this accident doesn’t make her a bad mom.

“You’re not a bad mum, you made a mistake. I know you’ll feel bad for a good while whatever any of us say to you. Silly accidents happen and luckily you’re all okay. The baby won’t remember — all they’ll remember is the love you’ve shown,” they said.
Many parents thanked the mom for being brave enough to share as a warning to others.

“There will be plenty of babies sleeping regularly under wall pictures without incident, you just got unlucky. Do whatever you need to do to calm yourself and relax, and then try and forget about it. One day this will just be a story that you occasionally tell,” someone said.
Last Updated on April 22, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle