Many women decide to breastfeed their children when giving birth. While there is no “wrong” or “right” way to nourish and nurture your children, many people opt to give breastmilk over formula.
While breastmilk gives children nutrients and vitamins to help them grow, many moms choose to stop around the one-year mark.

According to Better Health, many moms should breastfeed for up to six months, and continue while introducing solid foods.
However, professionals do say there is no “right” age to stop breastfeeding.

They do say that usually, once a baby can completely swallow and digest all solid foods, it’s good to start weening them off breastmilk.
Moms still producing milk can pump and dump, or even donate to mothers in need.

There are many moms who are unable to produce enough breastmilk and therefore, can use the extra help. Many organizations take donations for moms in need.
While many moms decide to stop breastfeeding around ages one or two, there are moms who continue on into later years.

Mom Leanne Allerton is a mother of four and a YouTube personality who has shared her experiences in breastfeeding all four of her children.
Leanne has breastfed all of her children since birth, but she chose to continues to breastfeed at least two of her children well into their childhood.

The mom told Daily Mail in 2017 that she breastfed her then four-year-old daughter and her five-year-old son. She also shares videos online of her struggles in motherhood.
One YouTube video she shared received a lot of hate and backlash.

The video showcased her four-year-old daughter breastfeeding on camera and even talking to the YouTube viewers. The video received over one million views.
Some said that her daughter was “too old” to be breastfeeding still.

YouTube viewers and social media users said that “if her daughter can talk, she’s too old to be on her b**b.” Others say that it’s in bad taste to have a five-year-old boy still feeding, too.
There were other viewers who said Leanne was “exploiting” her daughter for views.

The video not only shows her daughter feeding, but also, showcases Leanne’s b*****s for the camera. Many judged the mother for “trying to get views” and shamed her.
In response, the mom said she “deletes and blocks” haters and people who comment negative things on her posts.

She also defended feeding her 4-year-old and said: “People say to me that Poppy relies on me too much, but it is not about that. It’s our time, and it benefits her. It is just our routine and our life, and it’s just the way it is.”
Additionally, she said she stopped feeding one of her sons already.

She told Daily Mail that when she was ready to stop breastfeeding her oldest son, Georgie, she had a talk with him and it worked for them.
In 2018, she shared an update about breastfeeding her daughter and said that she still nursed her before bed.
While some mothers judge her, there are no studies or reports from doctors that say breastfeeding beyond infancy is wrong.

Doctors and pediatricians say that breastfeeding toddlers is the “sole choice of the mother.” So, while you may feel weird about it, there’s no harm done.
Last Updated on July 23, 2019 by Lex Gabrielle