Parents who have a kid together but who do not stay together often have some issues when it comes to money. Some moms end up raising the kids full time on their own while the father of the child sees the kid sometimes , and doesn’t pay for “all the full time stuff.” This is why many times dads (or even moms) pay child support.
Most government agencies and family court systems control child support.
When deciding how much someone has to pay in child support, people look at a lot of things like income, lifestyle, and how many children someone has.
Many times the money goes directly to the parent for the child.
Some couples, however, don’t necessarily trust each other.
Which can lead to some very messy situations where people start to lie about important things.
There are some parents who don’t get along and the parent who pays child support doesn’t always trust and support the parent they are paying.
Some are confused and even scared that the parent will spend their money elsewhere.
One popular TikTok video brought up this conversation online.
TikTok user suzzanescott4 posted a video online saying that she was with a guy who wasn’t paying child support, but then she gave the state his National Insurance number so that it can come directly out of his accounts.
However, Suzanne said she wasn’t using the money for the kids.
In the video, she said that she used the NI Number to get the money “for his kids,” but then eludes to the idea that the money she is getting from her baby daddy is going towards her bikini wax.
Some guys said they don’t pay because of this.
Some guys online said they don’t pay specifically because they know that the moms will be using the money to look good and on their hair or nails, even their waxing or makeup.
Some guys know better than to do that.
Others say this happened to them.
Some people commented that they actually stopped paying child support to their own exes after finding out that the money wasn’t going to the kids at all.
They found out that their ex was using the money on themselves.
Which, of course, is super unfortunate.
But the story gets weirder from there, even though it ends in a weirdly happy way. Stay with me.
Suzanne said that it was all a joke.
But others said while they realized it was a joke, they also think it’s messed up that parents actually do take child support money and use it on themselves.
One person, however, made a bold statement.
Another commenter on the social media app pointed out that many women try to get child support from men who don’t want to stay with the mother or even want to be a father.
They pointed out that if the father’s name isn’t on the birth certificate, they shouldn’t have to pay.
Turns out, the whole video was put out for a long elaborate joke. Talk about going the distance.
Suzanne let people know in the comments she had done the video just as a joke and she wasn’t serious about it.
In fact, she said in the comments she is still with her baby’s dad and they are totally fine.
A strange joke for some maybe, but hey, at least it went viral.
Last Updated on September 30, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle