In a video making rounds on social media, Kristen Mahon shared her experiences with working for Gen X bosses, Boomer bosses, and now millennial bosses, Kristen kicked off an enlightening debate. Kristen discusses her most recent email conversation with her millennial boss in her TikTok , which has 1.7 million views. As an example, she is a Realtor.
Keep reading to find out more.
Why Kristen Was Nervous

Kristen stated how she composed the email and how she stood her ground on how her boss was undermining her in front of their clients, and though she was nervous about sending the email, she did send it anyway.
Kristen Got A Shocking Response
Kristen was shocked by her boss’s response as she didn’t expect her to be so polite:
Kristen Described Her Boss As The Best

Kristen reported that she was shocked by the response because it differed from how a manager treated her. She remarked to her boss on her approach and how she addressed her. Kristen continued as she praised her employer as the best. Kristen added that her boss’s approach should be the standard method of business communication because it is so exciting and pleasant. Work for a millennial or, even better, a member of Generation Z.
TikTok Users Reaction

People started gushing about how amazing it had been to work with younger employers. So much so that some employees openly claim their young boss is why they continue to work in unappealing positions. It is difficult to overlook the generational variations in how managers treat their staff; in fact, older generations acknowledged in comments that they could be poisonous in the workplace.
Her Migraines Reduced
When BuzzFeed contacted Kristen, she claimed that since leaving her previous positions, her migraines have decreased from once a month to once a year.
“When I worked under Gen X and Boomers, I always dreaded going to work. It wasn’t enjoyable for me, just something I had to do so I could pay my bills. Having bad bosses absolutely affected my job performance — it made me a miserable employee,” she said.
Working With Older Generation Affected Her Self Worth

As for working with and dealing with her superiors in the past, Kristen added that these encounters were so detrimental that they significantly impacted her sense of self-worth.
Kristen Feels Effective Under A Millennial Boss
Kristen feels she is a harder worker and a better employee under her new millennial boss who is not afraid to seek help and make errors she can learn from.
The Video Made TikTok Users Emotional

Finally, what surprised Kristen the most about her video’s success was not the vast majority of viewers who could relate to it but rather the significant proportion of those who stated it made them cry.
Employees Deserve Respect Too!
Tiktok users can’t seem to get over the trend and it makes sense why! Employees are humans and deserve to be treated with respect.
Last Updated on January 27, 2023 by Chisom Ndianefo