Picture this: a mom with three daughters, a husband who’s always traveling, and a whole lot of car drama. When the youngest daughter was born, the older sisters weren’t exactly thrilled. While the middle daughter embraced her sisterly duties, the oldest kept her distance. Fast forward a few years, and the middle daughter’s hard work and babysitting skills are rewarded with a brand new car from mom and dad. ♀️ But what about the oldest daughter? Let’s dive into this family drama and find out what happened.
Three Daughters, One Mom
Surprise Baby Arrival
Not a Fan of Kids
The Babysitting Angel
Car Savings
A Gift for the Middle Daughter
Oldest Daughter’s Car Situation
Saving for a New Car
No Car for Oldest Daughter
Favoritism Accusations
Not a Punishment ♀️
Sibling Tension
Car Drama Ignites Sibling Rivalry
In a family with three daughters, the middle daughter takes on the role of the loving, helpful sister, always ready to babysit her youngest sibling. She even saves up $10,000 for a new car! Mom and dad decide to reward her by buying her a car themselves. But when the oldest daughter, who isn’t as involved with her youngest sister, finds out, she’s furious! Accusing her parents of favoritism, she demands to know when she’ll get a new car too. Mom explains that they bought the middle daughter a car because of her help and support, but the oldest isn’t having it. Tensions rise and the oldest daughter becomes r**e to her sisters. Is mom in the wrong for not treating her daughters equally? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Generosity doesn’t equal punishment for eldest sister. ♀️
Eldest daughter’s entitlement sparks sibling rivalry. NTA parenting wins
Middle child rewarded for help, oldest not punished. NTA ✌️
“Entitled mindset” sparks debate on sibling rivalry and car ownership.
Envious oldest sibling receives no car, harbors resentment towards middle.
Rewarding the middle child sparks sibling rivalry
Sibling rivalry over car reward for middle child’s sacrifice
Acknowledging middle child’s help, but oldest daughter feeling insecure
Sibling rivalry sparked over reward for middle child’s sacrifice
Grateful daughter receives new car, siblings jealous
Curious about the other siblings’ roles
Sibling entitlement sparks heated debate over fair treatment
Sibling rivalry sparks over middle child’s rewarded sacrifice. NTA.
Middle child earned car for service, eldest not entitled to compensation
Sibling rivalry sparked as middle child rewarded for sacrifice
Middle child’s free babysitting sacrifice rewarded with car. NTA.
Generous middle child sparks sibling rivalry with safe car gift
Middle child deserved car for helping with youngest, NTA.
Sibling rivalry over babysitting payment sparks drama
Parent defends rewarding helpful sibling, sparking fairness debate
Rewarding helpfulness and not entitlement
Sibling dynamics and household chores questioned in comment section
Middle child earns new car, eldest not punished but jealous
Daughter rewarded for babysitting, not a**hole move
Middle child gets new car for helping, oldest sibling jealous
Middle child’s hard work pays off with new car, sparking jealousy
Mixed opinions on whether middle sister deserves new car
Middle child receives new car as a thank you, NTA wins sibling rivalry
Oldest daughter’s financial situation questioned, adding fuel to rivalry
Birth does not entitle you to parents’ money
Sibling rivalry sparked over car reward. NTA, family therapy suggested.
Mixed feelings on car reward, criticism for attitude towards oldest sibling
Middle child’s hard work rewarded, sparking sibling rivalry
Defending NTA sparks heated entitlement debate in comments
Middle child rewarded for babysitting, no favoritism between siblings.
Middle child rewarded for selfless babysitting, sparking sibling rivalry
Middle child’s unpaid babysitting rewarded with car , justified NTA
Middle child praised, entitled eldest earns a**hole status
Hard work pays off! Lesson for kids on consequences and rewards
A new car for middle child sparks sibling rivalry
Savage NTA comment shuts down entitlement, predicts sibling rivalry.
Middle child deserved new car, oldest isn’t being punished
Daughter’s sacrifice rewarded with car, not just a gift
Middle child’s hard work pays off, sibling rivalry ensues
Middle child finally gets rewarded with new car, no favoritism here
Sibling rivalry over new car for middle child sparks debate.
Rewarding the middle child sparks sibling rivalry. NTA comment.
Sibling rivalry sparked over middle child’s car reward
Middle child’s sacrifice appreciated, oldest sister ungrateful
Middle child rewarded for work, older sibling’s entitlement exposed
Sibling rivalry sparked over entitled sister’s sour grapes
Parenting advice sparks debate on sibling hierarchy and money
Suggests paying both sisters for babysitting to avoid favoritism accusations
Eldest daughter needs to move out to learn independence and humility.
Middle sister deserves the reward for volunteering to help
Sibling rivalry ensues as YTA plays favorites with car gifts
Sibling rivalry sparks after middle child rewarded for sacrifice
Parenting advice sparks agreement in comment section. NTA
Rewarding the middle child causes sibling rivalry? NTA explains.
Middle child’s act of service rewarded with car
Rewarding middle child with car causes sibling rivalry
Generous daughter gets rewarded with car, sparking sibling rivalry
Middle child rewarded for sacrifice, oldest shows entitlement
Reward for work done, not favoritism.
Middle child’s hard work pays off, sparking sibling rivalry
Sibling rivalry sparked over rewarded middle child’s sacrifice
Rewarding middle child for sacrifice is fair, eldest is entitled
Sibling rivalry sparked over rewarded middle child sacrifice
Responsible middle child rewarded with car, sparking sibling jealousy
Sibling drama over middle child’s car gift. NTA or ESH?
Middle child’s sacrifice rewarded with new car
Teen’s decision to help with siblings sparks debate. NTA.
Fairness in car distribution sparks sibling rivalry
Middle child rewarded for sacrifice, sibling cries favoritism. NTA
Fair compensation for childcare sparks sibling rivalry
Sibling rivalry sparks over middle child’s rewarded sacrifice
Rewarding the middle child for helping is fair. NTA
NTA keeps older car, sparks sibling rivalry
Middle child rewarded for sacrifice, NTA. Oldest daughter out of touch
21-year-old sister wants a new car after receiving 2006 Civic
Middle child’s new car sparks sibling rivalry over payment.
Middle child rewarded with car for babysitting, NTA say commenters.
Sibling rivalry sparked despite NTA’s generous and fair gesture
User defends parent’s decision to reward helpful child with car
Last Updated on March 7, 2024 by Diply Social Team