There is an old saying that goes “you should never s**t where you eat.” Essentially, this phrase means that dating someone or sleeping with someone from your place of work can be a bad, bad decision .
While we can fall in love and find the love of our life at our place of work, we can also have a messy breakup that in turn ruins our ability to work in that place much longer . Sometimes, it all depends.
Sometimes, it turns brutal.

“I did when I worked in the sales department of a supply company. the receptionist and I would always hang out and flirt with her even though she was engaged.
I’m pretty sure she knew I had feelings for her. one night I finally broke down and told her I love her and I kissed her. A while later her fiance finds out and tries to fight me at work,” said itsjeed.
This is too messy.

One person shared that at Panera, they had begun dating a coworker until she cheated on them with another coworker.
Then, people began to take sides and the ex-girlfriend was torturing this poor employee to no end. They said, “never again.”
Taco H**l.

swat99 said that when he was in high school, he dated a coworker when working at Taco Bell.
Everything was fine until her mom found out, and she barged into Taco Bell complaining to the manager that he was “sleeping with her daughter.”
Sometimes, it does work out.

abbyw4ece249e0 said that her parents had met at their places of work and that they have been married for over 25 years.
They worked in different departments but were introduced by a mutual friend at work.
Young and naive isn’t always the best.

doofenshmirtzevilinc said she was young and naive and began dating someone at work when she was only 19.
She wanted something more serious, while he wanted a fling. It blew up in her face when he began talking badly about her to their other coworkers.
That’s just gross.

Catfysix said that their manager at a chain restaurant was married with three kids, but that didn’t stop him from hooking up and getting with all of the “younger girls” that worked there.
If you ask me, that’s all wrong and all gross.
It got to her head.

Quick_man said that he dated someone at work and helped her get a promotion.
When she finally got promoted, she turned into a “huge [expletive],” and she turned on him. She even cheated on him.
Restaurant blues.

Rocketwolf said that a coworker at the restaurant he was working at began dating another coworker. The two “synched” their schedules so they were always together.
For about 4 months, it was fine, until they broke up. She called out of work on their busiest night and ruined everyone’s day.
Work can be awkward.

Foormeli is currently living it. He said the two of them began dating a few months ago and also just moved in together.
While things are going well, the in-work judgment can be a bit much. People do look at you differently when you date a coworker.
All was well, until…

DaveGeek said that he and his (now) ex-wife had met at their job and were both junior level at the same company. Everything was great. They moved in together, had two kids, and she was a stay-at-home mom
He later found out while she was pregnant, she was cheating on him with much younger men. Now, they’re getting a divorce.
How wonderful.

Top_Wop said he met someone at work and began dating her and now, 52 years later, they are still together.
He said she is still the best thing that ever happened to him and “not everyone is as lucky as he is.” Aww!
No harm done sounds good to me.

“Started dating a girl I worked with on campus. It was fun but she had a few years to go and I was graduating and she didn’t want to risk losing her job so she broke it off before it got serious. That sucked for about a week but we stayed friends afterwards, no real harm done,” said krollAY
Toxic, but also, great.

DeaconNuno shared that their workplace romance turned into an absolute nightmare because the girl was a “compulsive liar.”
The gossip was toxic, but he said that the relationship was “fun” when it was going and the “s*x was good.”
It can even make you quit.

“I dated a co-worker…and it sucked. Guy was a d****e. We dated for 2 weeks..broke up with my on my bday..then dated another co-worker who I worked closely with. I couldn’t stay there….and quit and got a different job elsewhere,” said erobuck
It can also impact your work itself.

ImnotZachBraff said in college, he dated his cohost for the campus radio show.
Their chemistry was amazing and they worked so well together. But, when she left him for another guy, the radio show went to complete trash because they were at odds.
Last Updated on January 6, 2022 by Lex Gabrielle