Men are often mistakenly thought to be devoid of any emotion. We get labeled as being insensitive and otherwise obtuse when it comes to romance.
In reality, however, men and women aren’t all that different from one another. We too enjoy it when someone goes the extra mile and shows how much they care.
So in order to get a better idea of romance from the male perspective, have a look as these men of Reddit share the romantic things they like women to do for them.
Men can be sentimental, too.

“My girlfriend remembers every detail of when we first started dating. On a long drive together one of our songs came on and she described the first night we listened to it and when she fell in love with me. She didn’t even finish the story because it just broke me.” – Reddit u/hapakappaboy
When they celebrate your inner child.

Reddit user AllPurposeNerd recalled a time when his girlfriend planned a surprise birthday party for him at a trampoline park . He may have been turning 30 on paper, but in his heart, he was still 10-years-old.
A pirate’s wife for me.

Redditor Surferly91 has had a fondness for pirates since he was a small boy. One year for his birthday, his girlfriend made him a pirate-themed scavenger hunt — she even used a lighter and old tea bags to make the paper look worn and dated.
What’s life if you never get to the Point?

Reddit user RhinoDuckable is a bit of an adrenaline junkie. One year, his girlfriend bought the two of them tickets to go to Cedar Point , even though she herself was absolutely terrified of roller coasters.
You are the Captain now.

“My girlfriend paid for a maritime course that I couldn’t afford so that I could get a higher license and a better paying[sic] job. We’re married now and I’m a Captain.” – Reddit u/Slymee_Remington
Sometimes you need help getting out of the hole you’ve dug yourself into.

Reddit user javajuicejoe’s girlfriend paid off all of his debt and student loans with a smile. When all was said and done, she gave him a hug and didn’t think twice about the money for another second.
It’s the thought that counts!

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Redditor Humptythe21st was unable to go and see his barber. His wife knew how much he prided himself on his hair, so she began cutting it for him. He had to wear a hat every time he left the house, but still…
I ate it, even though I hate it.

Redditor -eDgAR- once dated a girl who found the taste of bacon disgusting. She kept this hidden from him the entire time, would constantly make the two of them BLTs for lunch, and even ordered it on their pizza whenever they’d dine out.
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Back when Reddit user brunettedude was in high school, he dated a girl who asked him to prom by baking him a batch of sugar cookies into letters and spelling out a message.
In sickness and in health.

“I was running a fever and slept on the couch outside. Throughout the night I would wake up to see my girlfriend kneeling on the floor, using a wet handkerchief to sponge me down. I love her so much.” – Reddit u/mostibuspo
Sometimes being stuck inside together has its advantages.

When Redditor LanikM was celebrating his birthday a couple of years back, he and his girlfriend couldn’t go out due to COVI-19 restrictions. Instead of letting the day pass without acknowledgment, she decided to build him an escape room in their house.
Going the extra mile(s).

Reddit user Ferret_702 said that years ago, his ex-girlfriend drove four-and-a-half hours to Arizona just to see him. She then proceeded to cook his first home-cooked meal in months, after he’d been living solely off pizza.
You believed in me.

Redditor Tacticool_Hotdog said that the most romantic thing a woman has ever done for him was to make him truly believe that he was a good person and worthy of love. He’s since quit smoking, dropped nearly 35 lbs, and is on a path of self-betterment.
Nerd love is the best love.

Reddit user QPKB fancies themself to be a bit of a bibliophile. One year on his birthday, his girlfriend went out and bought him a copy of a rare out-of-print book that he thought he’d never own.
At the end of the day, all men are dogs.

“I was having a rough day and she simply put my head on her lap and petted my head and gently scratched me until I fell asleep.” – Reddit u/Kenivider
h/t: Reddit
Last Updated on May 2, 2022 by Jordan Claes